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He never digs up an important person in the novel. He digs graves of random people to sell to scientists. He does this because his family needs the money. :)

Edit: It might be Roger Cly actually because thats the preson from the funeral.

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Q: Who does Jerry Cruncher dig up?
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What did Jerry cruncher do?

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Cruncher's message is for Jerry Cruncher's wife, whom he refers to as "Agnes" or "inner wice." Jerry Cruncher works as a resurrection man, or a grave robber.

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Jerry Cruncher reveals that Roger Cly is not actually dead, but faked his own death so he could escape punishment for his crimes. Cly's supposed burial was actually a coffin filled with rocks, and he is living under a new identity in another country.

What is jerry cruncher's secret nighttime activity?

Jerry Cruncher raids graves in the darkness in the Charles Dickens novel A Tale of Two Cities. The novel depicts the plight of the French peasantry demoralized by the French aristocracy in the years leading up to the revolution. ChaCha

Why did Jerry Cruncher have mud on his boots?

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What does jerry cruncher object to his wife doing?

"Flopping" (praying)

Jerry Cruncher went to the Old Bailey to deliver a message to whom?

Jerry Cruncher went to the Old Bailey to deliver a message to Mr. Jarvis Lorry.

What clues does Dickens give about Jerry Cruncher's other job?

Dickens hints at Jerry Cruncher's other job as a resurrection man through his rough appearance, frequent nighttime absences, and references to him digging up things. The character's involvement in stealing and selling corpses for medical research is gradually revealed throughout the novel.