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Q: Who has no peer in war among achaean captains?
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According to achilles who has no peer in war among achaean captains?

According to Achilles he himself has no peer in war among Archaean captains. Achilles was a Greek god and hero of the Trojan War.

Has no peer in war among greek captins?


Who were the two opposing armies in the Trojan war?

the Trojans and Achaean

What side was Menelaus on in the Trojan War?

The Achaean Greek invaders.

What early civilization was involved in the Trojan war?

The invading Achaean Greeks.

What was the Trojan war against?

The Achaean Greeks looting western Asia Minor.

Where was the setting of Trojan war?

The Achaean Greeks looting western Asia Minor.

What is the mood of the Trojan War?

A rapacious looting of western Asia Minor by the Achaean Greeks.

Who were the main leaders of the Trojan War?

King Agamemnon for the Achaean Greeks, King Priam for the Trojans.

How many captains were in the civil war?

Captains? Even the Generals can be hard to count up! And the post-war memoirs were notorious for faking of troop-numbers.

What two groups were fighting in the Trojan War?

The Achaean Greeks and the people of western Asia Minor who they were looting.

What happened the 7th year of the Trojan War?

The Achaean Greeks continued their looting of western Asia Minor.