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Q: Who is Neji hyugga has a girlfriend?
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Does Neji gives care for tenten even he does not show love?

yes because the hyugga clan believes that the men and women must not show emotion and care even though there is evidence that neji does, in fact, show his care for her

Who kills neji?

neji's not dead!

Who plays the voice of Neji?

Neji Hyuga , from the anime series Naruto , is voiced by Steve Staley and by Wendee Lee when Neji is younger .

Did Tenten confess she likes Neji?

No, as far as the series goes Tenten does not confess that she likes Neji.

What are the list of the what-if Timeranger Gokaiger keys?

The list of the what-if Gokaiger ranger keys are: 23 key set Kyoryuger: Kyoryu Red (tyrannosaurus) Kyoryu Black (parasaurolophus) Kyoryu Blue (stegosaurus) Kyoryu Green (velociraptor) Kyoryu Pink (triceratops) Kyoryu Gold (pteranodon) Kyoryu Cyan (ankylosaurus) Kyoryu Gray (pachycephalosaurus) Kyoryu Pink (plesiosaurus) Kyoryu Silver (brachiosaurus) Kyoryu Yellow (deinonychus) Kyoryu Orange (deinosuchus) Kyoryu Azure (kentrosaurus) Kyoryu Magenta (styracosaurus) Kyoryu Crimson (allosaurus) Kyoryu Indigo (seismosaurus) Kyoryu Scarlet (oviraptor) Kyoryu Lavender (iguanodon) Kyoryu White (tupandactylus) Kyoryu Chartreuse (ammonite) Kyoryu Teal (archelon) Kyoryu Bronze (fukuiraptor) Kyoryu Slate (futabasaurus) 10 key set Shinkenger: ShinkenRed (lion) ShinkenBlue (dragon) ShinkenGreen (bear) ShinkenYellow (monkey) ShinkenPink (turtle) ShinkenGold (lobster) ShinkenOrange (beetle) ShinkenCyan (marlin) ShinkenWhite (tiger) ShinkenPurple (squid) 12 key set Go-onger: Go-on Red Go-on Blue Go-on Yellow Go-on Green Go-on Black Go-on Orange (based on Engine Carrigator) Go-on Gold Go-on Silver Go-on Cobalt (based on Engine Jum-bowhale) Go-on Crimson (based on Engine Kishamoth) Go-on White (based on Engine T-line) Go-on Cyan (based on Engine K-line) 13 key set Boukenger: BoukenRed BoukenBlack BoukenBlue BoukenYellow BoukenPink BoukenOrange (based on Go Go Drill) BoukenCyan (based on Go Go Shovel) BoukenGreen (based on Go Go Mixer) BoukenPurple (based on Go Go Crane) BoukenCrimson (based on Go Go Jet) BoukenSilver BoukenGray (based on Go Go Aider) BoukenWhite (based on Go Go Police) 13 key set Abaranger: AbaRed (tyrannosaurus) AbaBlue (triceratops) AbaYellow (pteranodon) AbaBlack (brachiosaurus) AbaPurple (pachycephalosaurus) AbaCyan (dimetrodon) AbaCrimson (stegosaurus) AbaGreen (parasaurolophus) AbaKiller (tupuxuara) AbaOrange (ankylosaurus) AbaIndigo (carnotaurus) AbaSilver (chasmosaurus) AbaGold (spinosaurus) 100 key set Gaoranger: GaoRed (lion) GaoYellow (eagle) GaoBlue (shark) GaoBlack (bison) GaoWhite (white tiger) GaoSilver (wolf) GaoPurple (hammerhead shark) GaoViridian (alligator) GaoCyan (elephant) GaoPowder (polar bear) GaoBurgundy (American black bear) GaoGreen (gorilla) GaoScarlet (falcon) GaoLavender (armadillo) GaoOrange (giraffe) GaoAzure (rhinoceros) GaoTeal (deer) GaoCrimson (red gorilla) GaoGray (panda) GaoCerulean (peacock) GaoSlate (crow) GaoBeige (stingray) GaoBrown (horse) GaoMagenta (camel) GaoChartreuse (mouse) GaoWallaby (pale pink wallaby) GaoEmerald (tortoise) GaoAsh (walrus) GaoSapphire (manta) GaoMahogany (boar) GaoNavy (bat) GaoMaroon (cobra) GaoMammoth (tan mammoth) GaoHawk (red hawk) GaoVulture (black vulture) GaoOwl (yellow owl) GaoSwallow (light blue swallow) GaoSwan (pink-and-white swan) GaoSeaGreen (sea turtle) GaoPlum (koala) GaoVermilion (fox) GaoCadetBlue (blue hedgehog) GaoPink (flamingo) GaoCougar (turquoise cougar) GaoKhaki (mole) GaoMauve (wombat) GaoTan (flying squirrel) GaoKangaroo (orange kangaroo) GaoSaffron (pangolin) GaoTaupe (sloth) GaoRabbit (pink rabbit) GaoAmber (orangutan) GaoBittersweet (prairie dog) GaoApe (maroon ape) GaoCrescent (yellow Asian black bear) GaoHowl (blue Japanese wolf) GaoCrane (pink crane) GaoToad (black toad) GaoBeaver (orange beaver) GaoHamster (periwinkle hamster) GaoCitrine (lynx) GaoHumpback (gray humpback whale) GaoAquamarine (dolphin) GaoDarkPurple (orca) GaoCream (pelican) GaoBrick (lesser panda) GaoPeach (raccoon) GaoFuchisa (mink) GaoIndigo (skunk) GaoOlive (mongoose) GaoPanther (black panther) GaoCheetah (yellow cheetah) GaoPeriwinkle (penguin) GaoTurquoise (dugong) GaoPlatinum (goat) GaoSheep (pink sheep) GaoAmethyst (seal) GaoCerise (donkey) GaoShepherd (brown German shepherd) GaoPotamus (purple hippopotamus) GaoClaret (reindeer) GaoSepia (crocodile) GaoForest (gecko) GaoLime (chameleon) GaoEcru (coyote) GaoPearl (zebra) GaoJaws (white shark) GaoSangria (gaur) GaoIndochine (eel) GaoMoccasin (sea snake) GaoJackal (gold jackal) GaoGemsbok (cyan gemsbok) GaoCarp (blue carp) GaoSalamander (orange salamander) GaoRattlesnake (green rattlesnake) GaoGunmetal (black lion) GaoCobalt (condor) GaoCopper (sawshark) GaoBronze (buffalo) GaoGold (jaguar) 8 key set Timeranger: TimeRed TimeBlue TimeGreen TimeYellow TimePink TimeBlack (based on TimeShadow) TimeFire TimeRainbow 7 key set GoGo V: GoRed GoBlue GoGreen GoYellow GoPink GoSilver (Titanium Ranger) GoRainbow 10 key set Gingaman: GingaRed (lion) GingaGreen (dragon/falcon) GingaBlue (gorilla) GingaYellow (wolf) GingaPink (wildcat) BullBlack (bull) GingaCrimson (rhinoceros) GingaNavy (phoenix) GingaSilver (shark) GingaRainbow (unicorn) 14 key set Nejiranger: Neji Red Neji Black Neji Blue Neji Yellow Neji Pink Neji Silver Neji Green Neji Purple Neji Orange Neji Crimson Neji Navy Neji White Neji Gold Neji Rainbow 14 key set Megaranger: Mega Red Mega Black Mega Blue Mega Yellow Mega Pink Mega Silver Mega Green Mega Purple Mega Orange Mega Crimson Mega Navy Mega White Mega Gold Mega Rainbow 7 key set Dairanger: DaiRed (dragon) DaiGreen (lion) DaiBlue (pegasus) DaiYellow (kirin) DaiPink (phoenix) DaiWhite (white tiger) DaiEmerald (tortoise; based on DaiMugen) etc.

Related questions

Does Neji gives care for tenten even he does not show love?

yes because the hyugga clan believes that the men and women must not show emotion and care even though there is evidence that neji does, in fact, show his care for her

What is the list of Nejirangers that end with monster form?

The Nejirangers that end with monster form (same with human form) are: Neji Red (monster form) Neji Black (monster form) Neji Blue (monster form) Neji Yellow (monster form) Neji Pink (monster form) Neji Silver (monster form) Neji Green (monster form) Neji Purple (monster form) Neji Orange (monster form) Neji Crimson (monster form) Neji Navy (monster form) Neji White (monster form) Neji Gold (monster form) Neji Teal (monster form) Neji Brown (monster form) Neji Indigo (monster form) Neji Saffron (monster form) Neji Amethyst (monster form) Neji Vermilion (monster form) Neji Chartreuse (monster form) Neji Magenta (monster form) Neji Viridian (monster form) Neji Burgundy (monster form) Neji Powder (monster form) Neji Scarlet (monster form) Neji Cyan (monster form) Neji Azure (monster form) Neji Lavender (monster form) Neji Gray (monster form) Neji Beige (monster form) Neji Cerulean (monster form) Neji Slate (monster form) Neji Cobalt (monster form) Neji Gunmetal (monster form) Neji Copper (monster form) Neji Bronze (monster form) Neji Khaki (monster form) Neji Citrine (monster form) Neji Maroon (monster form) Neji Olive (monster form) Neji Peach (monster form) Neji Cream (monster form) Neji Sangria (monster form) Neji Plum (monster form) Neji Emerald (monster form) Neji Cerise (monster form) Neji Mauve (monster form) Neji Moccasin (monster form) Neji Aquamarine (monster form) Neji Pearl (monster form) Neji Turquoise (monster form) Neji Platinum (monster form) Neji Tan (monster form) Neji Bittersweet (monster form) Neji Periwinkle (monster form) Neji Sapphire (monster form) Neji Fuchsia (monster form) Neji Dark Green (monster form) Neji Mahogany (monster form) Neji Sea Green (monster form) Neji Claret (monster form) Neji Lime (monster form) Neji Amber (monster form) Neji Ecru (monster form) Neji Taupe (monster form) Neji Tawny (monster form) Neji Lilac (monster form) Neji Ochre (monster form) Neji Sepia (monster form) Neji Celadon (monster form) Neji Rust (monster form) Neji Orchid (monster form) Neji Ash (monster form) Neji Steel (monster form) Neji Sky (monster form) Neji Burnt Orange (monster form) Neji Brick (monster form) Neji Caramel (monster form) Neji Marigold (monster form) Neji Burnt Sienna (monster form) Neji Verdigris (monster form) Neji Indochine (monster form) Neji Carmine (monster form) Neji Linen (monster form) Neil Goldenrod (monster form) Neil Butterscotch (monster form) Neji Heliotrope (monster form) Neji Dark Gray (monster form) Neji Harlequin (monster form) Neji Amaranth (monster form) Neji Ultramarine (monster form) Neji Royal Blue (monster form) Neji Garnet (monster form) Neji Ebony (monster form) Neji Ivory (monster form) Neji Thistle (monster form) Neji Jade (monster form) Neji Auburn (monster form) Neji Sienna (monster form) Neji Umber (monster form) Neji Cadet Blue (monster form) Neji Dark Brown (monster form) Neji Orange Peel (monster form) Neji Hunter Green (monster form) Neji Salmon (monster form) Neji Avocado (monster form) Neji Wisteria (monster form) Neji Persimmon (monster form) Neji Apricot (monster form) Neji Brass (monster form) Neji Ruby (monster form) Neji Mint (monster form) Neji Forest (monster form) Neji Coral (monster form) Neji Aubergine (monster form) Neji Hazel (monster form) Neji Topaz (monster form) Neji Bisque (monster form) Neji Spring (monster form) Neji Rainbow (monster form)

Who is stronger Hinata or Neji?

Neji is stronger.

Does Neji fall in love?

no, because he is an serious person,he talks serious,he looks serious,and whenever he uses buakugon he looks serious! so he does really have a girlfriend if h'es serious

What does the name Neji mean in Japanese?

ネジ Neji the word neji is screw

Who kills neji?

neji's not dead!

Do Hinata and Neji get together?

No, but Neji does have a crush on her.

Do Neji and Teten like each other?

TenTen has a crush on Neji but Neji dsnt like her ...

How do i play the best team on naruto-arena using Neji?

neji,neji (s),naruto (s)

Will Neji fight pein?

No Neji does not fight pein.

Is Lucky stronger than Neji?

No, Neji is stronger.

When was Neji born?

Neji Jouini was born in 1949.