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Q: Who is narcissus and what was his major flaw?
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What is a character flaw in the story of Echo and Narcissus?

Narcissism; self love, blind to the love of others, arrogance.

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What was Aphrodite's major flaw?

She was jealous,vein,and had a short temper

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The airplane did not fly fast enough.

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One major character flaw of Thor is his arrogance and overconfidence in his own abilities, leading to reckless behavior and sometimes causing conflict with others.

What was Echo's flaw?

Echo's "flaw" was her unrequited love for Narcissus. She was not able to overcome his rejection of her. In the Greek myth, she pined away, eventually dying and leaving nothing but her voice, an echo. You go go even further back and say that Echo's sin or flaw was that she was a gossip, and in being a gossip, told Hera something that she didn't wish to hear, which lead to her being punished to only repeat what others say and to never have her own voice again.

Who was Narcissus in Greece?

Narcissus was an ancient Greek hero