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The Urdu publishing and computing world has long been looking for a new font. A font that is not only aesthetically fine but also technically supportive by developing Faiz Lahori Nastaliq. In 2006 the team of experts headed by Syed Manzar Hasan Zaidideveloped a most flexible font called Faiz Nastaliq with Kashish which is considered as a panacea for Urdu publishing world.

Faiz Nastaliq 1.0 is specially created for those who are fond of Lahori Nastaliq. It not only enriches InPage Version 3 but also makes it the most comprehensive Urdu typesetting and designing tool in publishing industry. Faiz Nastaliq gives the designers and publishers the most indispensable high-quality typesetting for literary academic production. It provides ligatures to shape writing of different genre, poetry, prose, blank verse, etc. It is a delight of designers. It will help them enhance the designs of the magazines, hoardings, posters, advertisement and newspapers. Corporate users will be pleased to discover Faiz Nastaliq effective protection of their investment in proprietary typography.

What is Faiz Nastaliq? : Faiz Nastaliq is a dream comes true. The type face is designed on the rules & scales of Lahori Nastaliq script set by Late Faiz Katib (1912-1986). Faiz Nastaliq is an innovative set of Fonts for InPage Version 3 that has been specifically developed for Urdu publishing world. It integrates traditional calligraphy with modern typefaces, giving designers the freedom they need to remain creative in today's world. By adding Faiz Nastaliq, InPage Version 3 truly becomes the most comprehensive Urdu typesetting and designing tool in the industry.

Why Faiz Nastaliq? : Urdu typography has been a great challenge for the printing and publishing industry. Because it is composed of complex and shifting letters, typesetting technology based on letter analysis could not render the richness of the script. It is for this reason that Syed Manzar, has developed Faiz Nastaliq by analysing individual penstrokes and creating a clear and limited set of rules. Faiz Nastaliq is a true breakthrough in Urdu typography as it allows InPage Version 3 users to fully express the enormous variability of Urdu letters. Faiz Nastaliq returns to the sources of the Urdu script traditions, providing today's generation of high-tech designers with greater freedom and offering them a real Urdu-friendly design environment. The ingenious interface and set of Urdu-related features are ideal to create richer, more complex Urdu typography. Faiz Nastaliq let you work better and faster than ever.

Why it is unique? : Urdu typography, so far, was devoid of 'Kashish'* feature of words & ligature. Faiz Nastaliq Kasheeda enriches the publishing world with this beautiful feature and blesses the documents & published data with true flavour of Urdu calligraphy. All the unique ligatures that are used in the font are without 'Nuqta' and 'Aeraab' unlike other Nastaliq fonts. It covers up to 10% less space* than available Nastaliq fonts and looks extremely attractive in 'Kashish' with kerning*.

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