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Q: Who made the name up the name hobnocker?
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Related questions

What does everybody think hobnocker means?

I tnk hobnocker is a made up wrd made by nickelodeon. But it really is funny.LOL.ROTFl.

What is the real definition for the word hobnocker?

"Hobnocker" is a made-up word popularized by the TV show "iCarly." It is used as a comedic insult and does not have an official definition in the English language.

Does a hobnocker kill people?

Only if the hobnocker is either poked, teased, or bothered.

What is a habnucker?

You mean hobknocker, don't you?A hobnocker is someone that does something illegal and gross (not to be confused with "hobnobber," which is a cool and awesome geek).A hobnocker is someone that is addicted to illegal drugs.A hobnocker is an alcoholic.A hobnocker is a derogatory term describing a lowlife and pervert.A hobnocker is a person who goes around slapping people with their genitalia.

What is a spanish hobnocker?

A Spanish Hobnocker has the same meaning like an English Hobnocker. You can find the Meaning, Definition, Videos, Pictures, Stories and Ideas at the homepage:

Is colby a hobnocker?

even tho that is a old joke some people might say he is a HOBNOCKER

What is the definaition of a hobnocker?

The Definition of a Hobnocker can have different meanings. It's a fiction term. Examples, Videos, Pictures, Stories and even Hobnocker Ideas can be found at the website

Is saying hobnocker a legal?

A hobnocker is whatever this website says it is. Why? because in this website was made for people all over the worlds opinion of a question or meaning. So this word "hobnocker", has many different meanings of a hobnocker and you might not know what this word real meaning is. That's why this website is not so good to find meanings or definitions because 50% of these meanings are opinions and/or are not true if you want a exact meaning then you should go to GOOGLE.COM.

How do you know if you are a hobnocker?

The term "hobnocker" was popularized by the TV show iCarly and is used as an insult without a specific meaning. If someone calls you a hobnocker, it's likely meant as a lighthearted insult, and it's not a real descriptor of someone's characteristics.

Is Michael Jackson a hobnocker?


Do you have a video no what a hobnocker is?

YES, examples of what a Hobnocker is can be found. The website has videos, stories, ideas and pictures.

Why do people call you a hobnocker?

The word Hobnocker can have different meanings. It's a fiction term and today you can find different types of Hobnocker's. You can read more about the Definition, meaning, examples, videos, pictures and stories on the website: