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Jeffrey Nordling

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Q: Who played Coach Ted Orion in the movie 'D3 The Mighty Ducks'?
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Who was mighty ducks first coach?

Gordon Bombay was the coach in 1 & 2. He was replaced by Ted Orion in 3.

Who is known as mighty hunter?


Who was the mighty hunter of the gods?


Is The Mighty Hunter a Greek hero?

Artemis, she was the goddess of hunting. It is also Orion which is the God of Hunting in Greek Mythology.

Who is the mighty hunter?

paris Nimrod Orion

Who was The mighty hunter of greek mythology?

Orion is the one

The mighty hunter greek heroes?

Orion was a giant huntsman whom Zeus placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion.

Who is the mighty hunter from Greek myths?

Well, Artemis is the goddess of the hunt but for mortals, Orion.

What constillation is the star Rigel located in?

Rigel is located in the constillation of Orion the mighty hunter.

Who was the mighty hunter Greek mythology?

there is more then one "mighty hunter" the goddes artimis was goddess of the hunt. the others were, Orion (hunter and compainon of artimis), meleager (prince of calydonia), ATLANTA (lover of melenger,and fastest woman in Greece)

Where can one listen to Orion by Metallica?

One can listen to the Metallica song Orion on their Master of Puppets Album. It can also be heard and watched on YouTube and Vimeo. ITunes also allows for clips of songs to be played prior to purchase, so Orion can be heard there as well.

How many constlettions does the Orion have?

One.Orion doesn't "have constellations". Orion is a constellation.