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Francis Flute, the bellows-mender.

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Q: Who plays Thisbe in Midsummer Night's Dream?
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What was his plays called?

midsummer nights dream

Who is moonshine in midsummer nights dream?

Starveling plays the part of Moonshine in A Midsummer Night's Dream.

In Midsummer Night's Dream who is chosen to play the lion in the craftmen's play?

In Midsummer's Night Dream Snug plays the Lion

What were his 4 most famous plays?

Romeo and Juliet A midsummer nights dream Julius Caeser Macbeth

Who plays lysander in midsummer nights dream?

Many actors have played Lysander in A Midsummer Night's Dream. I depends which production you are talking about. Domenic West played him in the movie made in 1999.

What large cast plays are there?

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What does starveling play in a midsummer nights dream?

Robin Starveling plays the moon for Peter Quince's makeshift group of actors. He tells his audience that the lantern he holds is the moon and he is the man in the moon. Quince's whole play--based on the tale of Pyramus and Thisbe--is slipshod and melodramatic, especially because Nicholas Bottom, who plays Pyramus, drags out his monologues and misspeaks several times. The whole play is comical, a fitting end to "A Midsummer Night's Dream," one of Shakespeare's comedies.

Why did Shakespeare use masks in his plays?

Shakespeare used masks in his plays to give the characters mystery, or decite. Also to make the characters easier to follow, like which in Midsummer Nights Dream, he used masks to show who was the animals.

Which of Shakespeare's plays contain Ovid's Pyramus and Thisbe?

A poorly-dramatised version of this story appears for comic effect in the play A Midsummer Night's Dream. The plot of Romeo and Juliet may derive ultimately from Ovid's story.

Who plays the lion in a midsummer nights dreamsnug or snout or starvling?

Snug the Joiner.

Who played division in A Midsummer Night's Dream?

The character named "Bottom" in A Midsummer Night's Dream performed in a dramatic play within the play known as "Pyramus and Thisbe". This character is a tradesman who takes on the role of Pyramus and is known for his limited acting ability and humorous performance.

Who wrote plays Hamlet and Midsummers Night Dream?

If this asked the question who WROTE, A Midsummer Nights Dream" I could tell you : William Shakespeare But as you ask who "Worte" the same I'm afraid I do not know. x