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Cillian Murphy.

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Q: Who plays the bad guy in the movie Red Eye?
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Kiefer Sutherland played bad guy Robert Doob in this movie?

Eye for an Eye

The outside black line of your eye is red is that bad?

my guess is probably unless your albino and your eyes are just red.

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The condition known as stye is?

its when your eye gets puffy and red and its bad. It's also contaigous if youtouch your eye then someones hand and then they touch their eye they can get it too

Who is the big bad wolf in the Red Riding Hood movie?

The dad

Why does red stuff get on by some dog's eyes?

its bad looking at a dog if its doing its bissness if you look at it when its going then red stuff goes on your eye and it can be stuck :)

Who was the bad guy that appered at the end of The Avengers movie?

It was Red Skull from Captian America

What do you get when you have conjunctivitis?

gue inside your eyes. your eyes go red. the gue can be yellow, green or red depending on how bad it it. to treat use antibiotic eye drops or the eye cream. you can get these from boots. DO NOT PUT YOUR FINGERS IN YOUR EYES. IT WILL MAKE IT WORSE!!!!!!

In what movie does John Goodman play a bad guy?

He plays a prison escapee in "Raising Arizona" (1987).

Who is the ufc fighter who plays the role of sgt bad attitude baracus in the movie a-team?

Quinton Rampage Jackson.

What are the good and bad about dying your hair red?

The good things about this is that you will have bright eye catching hair. The bad things are that its not really a natural colour. Also, depending on the hair type and colour you already have, this could be bad for your hair.

Angie Dickinson plays a mother who forces her daughters to accompany her on a crime spree in what movie e?

Big Bad Mama