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Q: Who quoted 'I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs'?
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How did della get the money to buy jims gift in the gift of magi?

He sells his pocket watch .

What does Della give Jim as a gift in The Gift of the Magi?

Jim gives Della a set of pretty hair combs.

What is the gift both Della and Jim gave to each other?

Della sold her hair to buy a platinum fob chain for Jim's watch, while Jim sold his watch to buy combs for Della's hair. They both sacrificed their most prized possessions out of love for each other.

Why is Della's gift for Jim ironic?

Della's gift for Jim is ironic because she sells her most prized possession, her beautiful long hair, to buy him a chain for his watch, while Jim sells his watch to buy her a set of combs for her hair. The irony lies in the fact that each of them sacrifices the very thing the other gift was intended for.

When Jim gets dellas present he?

Jim and Della loved each other so much that they sacrificed their most prized possessions for each other. Della sold her hair to get Jim a watch chain. Jim sold his watch to get Della combs for her hair. This is related in the Gift of the Magi.

Why is it ironic that della bought Jim a watch fob?

It is ironic because Della sold her long hair, which Jim loved, to buy him a watch fob, not knowing that he had sold his watch to buy her combs for her hair. They both made sacrifices for each other, but those sacrifices ended up being futile due to their choices.

What were the two prized possessions in the gift of the magi?

In "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry, the two prized possessions were Della's long, beautiful hair and Jim's gold pocket watch. Della sold her hair to buy a chain for Jim's watch, while Jim sold his watch to buy combs for Della's hair.

What gift does della buys her husband In the gift of the magi?

Della bought her husband a silver watch chain.A silver watch chain.

In The Gift of the Magi if Jim had said to Della I'll get a lot of use out of this watch chain what would it have been an example of?

If Jim had said "I'll get a lot of use out of this watch chain" to Della in "The Gift of the Magi," it would have been an example of irony, as Della sold her hair to buy Jim a watch chain for his prized watch, while Jim sold his watch to buy combs for Della's beautiful hair. The statement would reveal their sacrifice and selfless love for each other.

Where did Della work in the Gift of the Magi?

Della sold her knee length hair, to buy a chain for Jim's pocket watch. Jim sold his watch to buy a set of combs for her long hair. Both had parted with an item they prized in order to give the other a special gift that they could not otherwise afford.

In The Gift of the Magi why is Jim most likely late for dinner?

Jim is most likely late because he sold his watch to buy combs for Della's hair, while Della sold her hair to buy a chain for Jim's watch, making each of their gifts useless. This unexpected turn of events would have delayed Jim as he tried to figure out how to handle the situation.

What are the symbols in gift of the magi?

Symbolism is used in "The Gift of The Magi," as Dellas hair and Jims watch. Her hair and his watch are their most prized possessions in this story. They both use these items to symoblise another thing; love. They sold their prized posessions to get enough money to afford the gift they wanted to get each other for the upcoming holiday, Christmas. Symbolism is not the only literary element that O. Henry used in this story. Irony is another key element in, "The Gift of The Magi." Irony and coincidence go hand in hand for this story. The irony is that Della sold her hair to get enough money to buy Jim, his gift (the platinum fob chain for his watch). While Jim sold his watch to get money to afford his gift to Della (turquoise combs and hair accesories for her hair). They realize what they've done at the end of the story, and it becomes clear to them that it doesn't matter about the gifts they get for eachother, but the fact that they have eachother. The greatest value they have; is eachother.