moonrise kingdom possibly
Angelina Jolie starred in the 2008 movie Changeling. The 1980 movie The Changeling starred George C. Scott.
The main person who starred in the movie Escalation and is listed first in the credits is Lino Capolicchio. Another person who starred in the movie is Claudine Auger.
The film "Moonrise Kingdom" was directed by Wes Anderson. It was released worldwide on 25th May 2012 after being successfully screened at the Cannes Film Festival on 16th May 2012. The film stars Bruce Willis and Bill Murray.
Moonrise Kingdom takes place on a New England island called New Penzance. It was filmed in Rhode Island, USA.
Moonrise Kingdom was created on 2012-05-16.
Moonrise Kingdom was released on 05/25/2012.
not really ... i don't think so :/
moonrise kingdom possibly
Moonrise Kingdom grossed $64,012,466 worldwide.
Moonrise Kingdom grossed $45,512,466 in the domestic market.
The first movie Robert Pattinson played in was called Vanity Fair in 2004. However, his first movie starred in was Dark Kingdom: Dragon King, which was a tv film also released in 2004. His claim to fame is the Twilight Saga.
Jason Schwartzmann is a famous American actor. His first role was in the 1998 movie "Rushmore" and went on to star in films such as "Fantastic Mr. Fox" and "Moonrise Kingdom".
The Forbidden Kingdom is a Chinese movie which was translated into English in 2008. Some of the stars who starred in this movie are Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Collin Chou, and Liu Yifie.
Angelina Jolie starred in the 2008 movie Changeling. The 1980 movie The Changeling starred George C. Scott.