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Patricolus. What happened was, Achilles didn't want to fight. Well, Patricolus had a bright idea that he could take Achilles' battle armor, wear it, pretend to be Achilles, and lead the Greek troups into battle. Well Hector was the best warrior the Trojans had. So he went out and battled Patricolus, thinking he was Achilles. When he killed Patricolus, he realized that it wasn't Achilles. Somehow, someone from the Greek side figured it out and went and told Achilles. Patricolus was like Achilles' best friend, so Achilles got really mad. He went to the wall surrounding Troy, and told Hector to come out and fight. Hector came out even though everyone told him not too. Achilles killed him (easily, for he had bathed in the River Styx and could not be harmed except for his heel) then tied Hector's body to his chariot. He then dragged Hector's body around the city walls for 3 days straight. This made the people of Troy really mad, so someone was shooting bows and arrows at him. Well, one of them made a bad shot and hit Achilles in the heel. Achilles then died and later, Odysseus became the hero of the Trojan War.

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