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Q: Who was the commander of the first space ship to land on the moon?
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Related questions

Who was the commander of the 1ST space ship to land on the moon?

Neil Armstrong was the commander of the Apollo 11 mission that landed on the moon back on the 21st of July 1969.

Why did Neil Armstrong land first on the moon?

I'm not sure what you are asking but he didn't land first on the moon, he was the first one out of the space craft to set foot on the moon.

Who was the person to land in space at Christmas?

Who was the first person to land on the moon at christmas

What was the first machine to land on the moon?

The first machine to land on the moon was a Russian unmanned space lander. It was the first man made object to ever touch the moon's surface.

What year did the first space man land the moon?

First spaceman was Yuri Gagarin who discovered space in 1961.

Who went to in space?

Neil Armstrong was the first person to land on the moon

What is the name of the first space ship to land on the moon?

Apollo 11

What is the name of the space shuttle to land on moon?

there is no space shuttle that is able to land on the moon.

When did the first woman land on the moon?

Several women have been in space but none have gone to the moon yet.

What was the first American craft to soft-land on the moon?

The first American craft to soft-land on the moon was the Surveyor lunar probe.The first actual space craft to land on the moon was the Luna 2 made by the Soviet Union in 1959. The first manned ship to land on the moon was the Apollo 11 in 1969.

What was the name of NASAs space craft that was the first to land on the moon?

Apollo 11

Who was first in the space race?

The United States of America was first in the "Space Race" which was a race to see which country would be first to land on the moon.