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In 1870, Joseph Rainey (1832-1887) of South Carolina became the first black member of the US House of Representatives.

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Q: Who was the first African American to be elected to the Georgia legislature?
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Who was the first African American elected to congress?

The first African-American to serve in the Senate was Hiram Revels (R-MS), who was a Senator from 1851-1877.The first African-American to serve in the House of Representatives was Joseph H. Rainey (R-SC), who served from 1870 - 1878. Rainey was the first African-American to be elected to Congress; Revels was appointed.The first African-American woman elected to Congress was Shirley Chisholm, elected to the House in 1968. The first African-American woman Senator was Carol Moseley-Braun, elected in 1993.----More info: Willis Menard

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The first black person in the us house of represinitives?

Joseph Hayne rainey was the first African American elected to US House of Representatives, sworn in on December 12, 1870. He served 4 consecutive terms. Jefferson Long became the second African American elected to the US House of Representatives in 1870. He represented Georgia. He served three months as a US Representative.