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Q: Who was the first person to explain seasons?
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First, are you sure that he's wrong and you're right. Then explain it nicely and try to lead the person to understand by himself.

Why did the Greeks create the myth of Demeter and Persephone?

To explain the seasons.

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Ellen Kim was the first to explain why the sun and stars move across the sky in 1858

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who invented the four seasons

Can you explain seasons in a spiritual context?

In a spiritual context, a season is a period of time. A season is no particular length of time, its just the amount of time that a person goes through something.

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The answers are very simple. The seasons are summer and spring due to their cold blooded aspect, they are more active in these seasons.

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they explain everything that happened on earth, like in most myths. Like the weather or why sun rises and the seasons.

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Sir Isaac Newton was the first person to explain tides scientifically, proposing that the gravitational pull of the moon caused the tides in the Earth's oceans. His work on gravity and motion paved the way for his understanding of tidal forces.

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