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Many survived the sinking. One of the more famous was the "Unsinkable Molly Brown".

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Q: Who was the one that survived the titanic only?
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Who exactly survived the Titanic?

well i don't know who exactly, but i do know that only one person survived, but if you go to... Who survived the poor titanic? And it will tell you the names!

What ship help the titanic survived?

Only one ship helped the survivors of the sinking of Titanic and she was Carpathia.

How many children survived Titanic sinking?

only 30 children survived the titanic sinking.

What happened to the passengers on the Titanic?

Answer One: They all drowned but some survived. Answer Two: There were 2,207 people on board the Titanic when it struck the iceberg and only 712 survived.

Who was the only person to survive the titanic?

about 700 people survived the Titanic sinking.

How many people survived on titanic boat?

There were only 706 people who survived

How many survived when the Titanic sunk?

Only 710 out of 2,224 people survived

Was Harold Bride the only wireless oprerater that survived the Titanic?

yes he was the only one who survived. the other wireless operator, Jack Phillips, died in the wreck.

How many millionaire's survived the titanic?

only 23

Were the survivors of the titanic men or women?

389 women-and-children survived the sinking of Titanic. 323 men survived the sinking of Titanic.

How manypeople survived and deied on titanic?

A total number of 1503 people died on the Titanic, this includes the crew and passengers and only 705 people survived.

How many male passengers were on the Titanic?

Of the 795 male passengers on Titanic, 131 survived. Of the 868 male crewmembers on Titanic, 192 survived. Of the 1,663 of ALL males on Titanic, 323 survived.