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...Elena never had children.

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Q: Who were Elena's children in the book Elena?
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yes and no cause she reminds Damon of katherin but Elena only has one true love which is stefen.but Damon and her are freinds until Damon tries to kill elenas brother and then one by one he needs to win back her trust cause she says that he lost her yes Damon and Elena are freinds,just in a really hard freindship

How many children does Elena Gilbert have?

Elena Gilbert has 1 child

Does Elena Gilbert have children?

Yes, Elena Gilbert has 1 kids

What book does Elena die in?

3rd or 4th book

Does Elena Gilbert have kids out of vampire diares?

Yes, Elena Gilbert has 1 kids

Does Elena and Stephen get married in the book first book?

No book two

What is Elena's aunt called in the book series of Vampire Diaries?

In the Vampire Diaries book series, Elena's aunts name is Judith.