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Q: Who won the Ghostbusters vs I want a new drug lawsuit?
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Where is the building they based ghostbusters on?

The "Ghostbusters Firehouse" Is located at 55 Central Park West in New York City If you ever go to New york try going to the Firehouse and they will give you a tour but the after GB 1 AND 2 Was filmed the firehouse was changed into an Art Studio but they still have the Orginal Ghostbusters Sign inside the Studio

In what movie does a giant Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man terrorize New York City?


Who is the fourth Ghostbuster?

There are 5 ghostbusters according to new fiction. Winston Zeddemore Ray Stantz Perter Venkman Egon Spengler And "Hoss" the rookie.

Why does Bill Murray not want to be in Ghostbusters Three?

Well- it is known that he was not happy with Harold Ramis after they finished working together on "Groundhog Day". Therefore, they neither one wanted to be involved with each other in anything for a very long time. That interfered with future plans for a third Ghostbusters movie because Dan Ackroyd had written a script for one where they would be going to Hell. Now a new script has been written and the studio is doing whatever they can to get a third one into production- Bill Murray is the only actor who has not given approval for it to begin as he owns part of the rights to the franchise.

When is the new ghostbusters coming out?

There has been talk of a Ghostbusters 3 for quite some time now. Dan Aykroyd has been quoted most recently as confirming that a script is in the works (being penned by the writing team of NBC's The Office) and if the script meets the approval of Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson then the orignial cast would be back on board. However, the extent of their involvement with the project is up in there. It's been speculated the original cast will only appear in the beginning of the film before handing the reigns over to a new generation of paranormal exterminators. Regardless, we will have to wait and see...

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When was I Want a New Drug created?

I Want a New Drug was created on 1984-01-03.

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Does ghostbusters work on the new playstation?

Yes Ghostbusters The Video Game was designed for the PS3. The Xbox 360 and PC also have versions that will work for them.

Who sang i want a new drug?

Huey Lewis and the News

Where is the building they based ghostbusters on?

The "Ghostbusters Firehouse" Is located at 55 Central Park West in New York City If you ever go to New york try going to the Firehouse and they will give you a tour but the after GB 1 AND 2 Was filmed the firehouse was changed into an Art Studio but they still have the Orginal Ghostbusters Sign inside the Studio

Who sang i want a new drug in 1980?

Huey Lewis and the News

I want name of new drugs for make research about them?

There are tons of new drugs out today. Everyday there is a new drug that comes out.

Why do people claim the ghostbusters atheist?

As the Ghostbusters are fictional and there is no real evidence of these claims within canon, I can only offer an opinion: It might be because the Ghostbusters capture and trap "spirits" of the dead. In one scene of the Ghostbusters movie. The Mayor of New York asks the opinion of a cardinal of the Gozer situation. He is ironically quoted as saying, "If you ask me, it's a sign from God. But, don't quote me on that...". To which, the Ghostbusters offer to stop this "sign of God". This might be seen by some as human hubris in the face of an all mighty being. The Ghostbusters dare to stop the "End of Days" apocolypse.

In what movie does a giant Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man terrorize New York City?


What songs were made for the saxophone?

The Revels - ComancheHuey Lewis and the News - I Want A New Drug

Are there plans to make a Ghostbusters III movie any time soon?

Currently there is a 3rd installment planned for Ghostbusters, the three main characters from the previous two films are planned to be used as a mentor capacity to the new younger ghostbusters. This is little known about the new ghostbusters film that will be made however it is evident that something is in the works as there is a new video game out for all "next" generation consoles including the three main characters. Also there is the constant running of television adds about the game which is seldom done. Basically this is a media hype to get people excited about ghostbusters and then they will officially announce the film. There have been some sites that have commented on CGI characters for the three previous main characters, however at this time that is obviously false as all three have current contracts with ghostbusters trademark holders.

When a defendant lives out of the state where the lawsuit was filed can he still be deposed in the state where the suit was filed or in his hom state?

If you have appeared in that lawsuit by an attorney then you must appear for a deposition. As an example if you live in New Jersey and you had an accident in New York and a lawsuit was filed in New York and your lawyer has appeared for you in New York then you must appear for a deposition. If you have not appeared in the lawsuit then you do not have to appear for a deposition in the other state. For more information contact us at