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Can we blame the Captain of Titanic for her sinking? There were warnings of bergs in the water in that area. Also, the Titanic was moving quickly, and this is opposite a strategy to avoid bergs. If a ship was to slow down, it would have a better chance of not rushing up on a berg. Additionally, though it was clear, it was calm. Calm seas have no waves (naturally), and no waves means no wave action at the base of a berg. Wave action at the base of a berg allows an observer a better chance of seeing it in the darkness because of the white water generated by the waves slamming into the berg. The C.O. of the RMS Titanic was Captain Edward John Smith. Captain Smith was under pressure from White Star Line to get to New York "quickly" for the sake of news "hype" and advertising. When the berg was spotted, Titanicattempted to evade and was slashed open. The combination of the nearness of the iceberg when spotted and the ship's speed sealed the deal. Paradoxically, if she'd driven head on into the berg (even as fast as she was going), Titanic may well have survived. But we'll never know. The board of inquiry had to do without the presence of Captain Smith, who went down with his ship. There certainly was enough blame to go around, regardless of who is singled out by any observer. A link can be found below with more information than you might want.

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Since they are all characters in a Hollywood movie made 84 years after the sinking of the Titanic and none of them are icebergs, then none of those three were to blame.

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Q: Whose fault was the sinking of the Titanic rose or cal or jack?
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The film Titanic is fictional but based on fact.

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Technically Yes, they both survive the sinking although Jack ultimately drowned in the North Atlantic.

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