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The main reason is that the atmosphere is unbreathable for humans. But using avatars (artificial bodies) also allowed them to covertly intermingle with the locals and do many of the things they did.

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Q: Why are humans using avatars on Pandora?
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What do you call a bunch of Avatars running down a hill?

A flood. This is for the blue avatars from Pandora.

What is the name of the planet avatars live on?

Yes, aboriginal tribes in places like Australia and the people that live in tree houses in Costa Rica. I believe they're called Finca Bellavista; look them up, they are amazing. Of course no place will glow like Pandora...unfortunately..

What is the setting in avatar?

The setting in the movie "Avatar" is a planet named Pandora where humans are put in a machine that looks like a tanning bed and put in the bodies of their avatars which look like the humanoids that live on the planet so they will blend in.

Is there any social significance of the movie avatar?

The ethic between humans and the avatars.

Do humans have a relationship between Avatars?

YEAH, because the Avatars are made by mixing Human DNA with some of the DNA of the Na'vi people to make remote controlled bodies for the Humans to operate

Why did humans establish a colony on Pandora?

For the sake of a movie

When was Pandora created?

It was made in the new movie Avatar. These mutant like creatures live on Pandora as well as humans live there too.

Why are the humans attacking Avatar?

-_- Another person who thinks they're all avatars.... sigh. The blue aliens who live on Pandora are called NA'VI. The AVATARS are the ones controlled by humans! The humans are attacking the Na'vi to get a fictional mineral called unobtainium. (Has anyone noticed the UN-OBTAIN-able part of UNOBTAINium?) Unobtainium is really valuable and sells for twenty million dollars a kilogram. Classic human weakness- money.

Does the Pandora app require Internet when using?


What is the story behind the bandits in the Borderlands game universe?

The bandits are said to be the ones that first colonized the planet of Pandora. When the rest of the humans decided that Pandora was useless, they abandoned the humans that would later go crazy and become the bandits.

What is a website for kids with avatars?

fantage! it has avatars and chat.

Can you make avatars on PS3?

No, there is a list of avatars you have to use.