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Plant cells have a cell wall,which forms a shape for the cell.=As for the animal cell,they do not have a cell wall which enables them to have a undefined shape. Also this helps the structure of the cell to keep strong. This structure is stronger and a plant cell needs all the extra protection it can get.=

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Q: Why are plant cells square and animal cells round?
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Are animal cells more round than plant cells?

Animal cells have a round shape where as a plant cell is more square.

Are all animal cells round?

No, plant cells are square. Animal cells have a blob form with cilia hairs surrounding them, unlike a plant cell.

How are animal cells are differentfrom plant cells?

Plant cells are more square shaped, while animal cells are more round-like. Plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplasts while animal cells don't have either of these, and plant cells have a larger vacuole than animal cells. :)

How are bacterial cell different from animal and plant cells?

bacterial are much smaller plant cells are square shaped and animal cells are round also bacteria are prokaryotes,they dont have a nucleus,unlike plants and animal cells that do have a nucleus.

Why are plants squard and animal cells round?

Plant cells are not necessarily square, and animal cells are not necessarily round. Both types of cells are usually compressed against their neighbors. Animal cells are more flexible, so alone, they will generally be rounder, whereas plant cells are confined by a cell wall, which keeps them rigid.

Is it easy to tell animal cells form plant cells?

The plant cell will have a square shape, to a degree, as the cell wall is in plant cells and not animal cells. You can see the green of chloroplasts and usually a large central vacuole. Animal cell more round and not having the " extras " listed above.

What are the main differences between plant cells and animal cells?

the plant cell is round and the animal cell is squered

Is a animal cell a square?

a animal cell is round and a plant cell is a square.

What is the most obvious difference between plant cells and animal cells?

plant cells are green and rectangular and animal cells are red and round.

Why do animal cells look different from plant cells?

Animal cells are shaped differently from plant cells because they have different functions and have different parts like it doen't have the cell wall and the plant does.

What is the difference in shape between plant cells and animalcell?

animal - circular. plant - squar-ish

How does the shape of a plant cell differ from that animal cell?

Plant cells are generally more rectangular in shape, where as animal cells are usually more round