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Because of the pressure in the higher atmosphere is much lower than the pressure where it was filled. This causes the pressure inside to expand the balloon up to and past the bursting point. Most likely the tip of the troposphere.

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Q: Why balloon bursts at height?
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What energy change takes place when a balloon bursts?

The molecules in the balloon can't take the pressure inside of it so it bursts.

Why inflated balloon burst if press it hard?

An inflated balloon bursts if it is pressed hard because the molecules inside the balloon squeeze when it is pressed hard and air exerts pressure so the balloon bursts and let the air molecules escape from the balloon.

How does a chemical reaction happen when a balloon burst?

No chemical reaction occurs when a balloon bursts

Why an inflated balloon is heated why it bursts?

the heat caused the air inside to expand.

What is the difference in the height of the balloon after ten minutes and the height of the balloon after sixty minutes?

There is no difference at all if the balloon is not inflated or inflated with air.

What happens to the radiosonde after a weather balloon bursts?

it floats in the air and stops transmitting signals

What is average PSI of a balloon before it bursts?

The average PSI (per square inch) of a balloon before it bursts depends on the composition of the balloon in question. If, however, the balloon in question is a common latex balloon bought at any party store, the average PSI is less than 1/4 pound.

Does a balloon be fun?

It matters if you're mental capacity is as large as your ability to use grammar. If it is then you will have several hours of fun before it bursts. A balloon be fun indeed!

What happens to the air in a balloon if it bursts?

it goes out and adds more air OJ don't know i think it is anyway

How far can a weather balloon travel in the atmosphere?

It depends on the wind and balloon payload. The smaller the payload, the higher the balloon may rise before it bursts. The balloon I helped launch landed close to 60 miles from the launch site.

Why does a balloon burst when near some hot air?

The answer is fairly simple, while some believe that a balloon bursts when near hot air because the balloon simple melts, it actually has to do with the pressure inside the balloon. When near hot air, the air inside the balloon expands slightly, causing a change in pressure, and causing the balloon to burst.

Height of a hot air balloon?

the height depends on how much gas the burner is releasing/using. Do you know how much, and also do you know how heavy the hot air balloon is?