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The Terminal Velocity of the raindrop slows it down that in the end it only goes about 5-20 mph.

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Q: Why cant a raindrop kill?
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How do you kill bing on sims bustin out?

You cant kill Bing or Mona, you can only kill the maid and the people you create in free mode

Why cant i kill Ben 10?

becaus he is a meme machine

What can kill aerodactyl?

iff u mean kill like actually like die then no u cant kill a Pokemon but u can make them faint

Why does Freddy kill in the dream world?

parents cant protect their kids in their dreams (unless they fall asleep next to them) so freddy loves to kill their

What shape is the fastest?

the raindrop is the most fastest shape !!!! its true...i asked my tech teacherrr seriouslyyy =]