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Q: Why did Henry the navigator design the caravel?
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Who invented the caravel ship?

prince HenryAnswerprince Henry Answer: Prince Henry of Portugal invented the caravel, which allowed sea captains to sail further and faster. -Blueybearfan1.

What famous explorer invented the caravel and lighter ships that could sail further and faster?

Prince Henry the Navigator.

What three inventions was Prince Henry the navigator known for?

HE invented the carval,which was a ship used specificly for sailing

What European leader pioneered ship design and navigation?

Prince Henry the navigator

What was Prince Henry the navigator's primary accomplishments?

Prince Henry opened up the first school of navigation and astronomical studies, he invented the caravel, he inspired christopher columbus to find the east indies etc.

Who is Henry the Navigator and what is he known for?

Henry the Navigator was after gold and silver for the people in the kingdom!!

What was Henry the navigator's religion?

Henry the Navigator was a Roman Catholic.

What religion was Prince Henry the Navigator?

Henry the Navigator was a Roman Catholic.

What is Henry the navigator?

Henry the Navigator was born on March 4, 1394.

Who helped Prince Henry make the caravel?

his father