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I really dont know that's why i'm asking yall but yall dum people won't tell me why retards these dayz

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Q: Why did Natalie Babbitt write Tuck Everlasting?
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Why did Natalie Babbitt write the book Tuck Everlasting?


Who illustrated Natalie Babbitt Tuck Everlasting?

Natalie Babbitt did.

How is the author of Tuck Everlasting?

Natalie Babbitt

Who wrote Tuck Everlasting?

Natalie Babbitt

Who is the author OS tuck everlasting?

Tuck Everlasting was written by Natalie Babbit in 1975.

Who is the author in tuck everlasting?

The author of "Tuck Everlasting" is Natalie Babbitt. The book is a classic children's novel that explores themes of immortality and the consequences of living forever.

Who wrote Tuck Everlasting novel?

Natalie Babbitt.

How many pages does Tuck Everlasting have by Natalie Babbitt?

it has 139

What calms Winnie sobbing in Tuck Everlasting?

Natalie Babbitt

How many pages are in Tuck Everlasting?

"Tuck Everlasting" by Natalie Babbitt has about 148 pages in the standard paperback edition.

What is the best book Natalie Babbitt ever wrote?

Tuck Everlasting

Who are Winnie's relatives in Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt?

Yes...yes it does.