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Q: Why did elizer's father ask him if he remembers Mrs. Schachter in the train?
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What is the connection between Madame Schachter's treatment on the train and the Jews' treatment in the concentration camp?

Madame Schachter's treatment on the train foreshadows the suffering and mistreatment that the Jews will face in the concentration camp. Her screams and visions represent the fear and trauma that the Jews will experience during their time in the camp, highlighting the brutality and inhumanity of the Holocaust.

What does madame schachter scream that she sees?

the fire

What did the Jews do to keep madame schachter quiet?

To keep madame schachter quiet, several strong men from the train car would beat her, till she stopped. They nearly killed her several times. While and after they did this, her son would just sit next to her holding her hand.

Why does madame schachter later become silent?

Madame Schachter becomes silent because the other passengers on the train tie her up and gag her to prevent her from screaming and causing hysteria as they travel to Auschwitz. They want to avoid drawing attention to themselves and potentially attracting unwanted repercussions from the guards.

How does mrs schachter effect her son on the train?

He was crying, hanging on her skirt, trying to take hold of her hands. "It's all right, Mummy! There's nothing there. . . .Sit down. . . ."

Why does madame schachter scream in the book Night?

Madame Schachter screams in the book "Night" because she has visions of a fire consuming the Jews on the train, symbolizing the impending horror and destruction they are about to face in the concentration camps. Her screams are a manifestation of her distress and terror at what she sees in her visions.

How is madame schachter proved to be not crazy but perhaps a visionary?

Madame Schachter's visions of fire and destruction on the train are later confirmed when the passengers arrive at Auschwitz and witness the actual burning of bodies. This suggests that her so-called madness was actually a premonition of the horrors that would unfold, making her a tragic visionary rather than simply crazy.

How do people react the first time madame schachter screams?

When Madame Schachter screams for the first time on the train to Auschwitz, people react with shock, confusion, and fear. They are unsure of what is happening and initially try to quiet her, but her intense fear and despair eventually start to affect those around her. This scene foreshadows the horrors they are about to experience in the concentration camp.

Who is the father of metro train?

Richard Train. Friends and family just knew him as Dick.

What did the treatment of madame schachter reveal about what was happening to the community?

The treatment of Madame Schachter, who had visions of fire on the train to Auschwitz, revealed the increasing fear and paranoia within the community as they approached the concentration camp. It also demonstrated how the community tried to suppress or ignore harsh realities in order to cope with their own fears and discomfort.

Explain why people comfort Mrs Schachter with saying that they do not believe are true in Night by Elie Wiesel?

People comfort Mrs. Schachter by saying they do not believe her because her visions of fire and destruction on the train are too horrific for them to accept as reality. They try to deny her visions in order to maintain their own sense of hope and sanity in the face of the impending danger. Ultimately, this denial is a coping mechanism to avoid facing the harsh truth of their situation.

Why does the son kill his father on the train in the book Night?

for his food