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They were Southern Confederates, and the South was at war with the North, and by April 1865, the Union had defeated the South and reuniting the South with the North by force. They wanted to kill the President of the Union, Abraham Lincoln. It was the only way they felt they could strike back at the North.

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Q: Why did john Wilkes booth's co-conspirators want to assassinate Lincoln?
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What happened after the Lincoln assassination event?

police issued a warrant for john Wilkes booths arrest

Who were john Wilkes booths accomplices?

His accomplices in the assassination of Lincoln were John H. Sturratt and David C. Harold.

What was he doing when he got shot by John Wilkes Booths?

President Abraham Lincoln was at a opera house watching a show.

What is john Wilkes booths middle name?


What where John Wilkes Booths hobbies?

to allow the south to continue to fight the war

What was john wilks booths favorite music?

John Wilkes Booths favorite music is Opera

What were John Wilkes booths strengths?

i dont know

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Is general booths real name William booth?

do you mean that guy who assassinated president Lincoln? cause its John Wilkes Booth. if that's not what you meant then i have no idea hahaha

Were the booth family and the Lincoln family friends?

I don't think they knew one another. But Lincoln was a great admirer of the Booths, who were famous actors. John Wilkes Booth's father and two older brothers were much better known, though Wilkes Booth was developing his talent and had a growing following.

Why is John Wilkes booths grave unmarked?

John Wilkes Booth's grave is unmarked due to family request.

What was John Wilkes booths childhood like?

John Wilkes Booth lived a very privileged childhood.