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Q: Why did pygmalion carve the statue?
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Why did Pygmalion carve a statue?

Pygmalion is said to be a sculptor but never show interest to women for he is a man of perfection, so he carved a woman that is perfect for his eyes. Since he was a sculptor it was quite natural that he made a statue.

What is Pygmalion's statue?

A statue made of ivory, and was the most beautiful "woman" in the world, according to Pygmalion.

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Pygmalion made the statue of Galatea

Ivory statue which came to life in greek mythology?

Galatea. She was the statue whom Aphrodite breathed life in as a reward to her sculptor Pygmalion.

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What did Pygmalion pray to Venus for?

Pygmalion prayed to Venus to give him a wife as beautiful as his own statue that he had created.

Where did Michelangelo carve the statue of Moses?

Florence, Italy

Where is the setting of Pygmalion and galatea?

This is a story from ancient Greece. It tells of how Pygmalion fell in love with a statue that he created when he decided that women were inferior.

Who is Galatea in Shaw's play?

Galatea is a statue in the play "Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw. Pygmalion sculpted Galatea and fell in love with her.

Which would be easier to carve into a statue -a sedimentary or a metamorphic rock?

A metamorphic rock is easier to carve into a statue compared to a sedimentary rock. The most common rock that is used in sculpture is marble.