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Q: Why did randy want to fight in the rumble in the outsiders chapter 7?
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Is it true that bobs death makes randy want to fight for revenge in the rumble in the outsiders?

No it is not true. In fact Randy decides not to take part in the rumble

Which Soc is not going to the rumble in the outsiders?

Randy Anderson

Who prefers to skip the rumble in The Outsiders?

Randy Adderson

Why did randy from the outsiders back off the fight?

because he thougth it was usless to have all the fight

Why will the Soc randy Anderson not fight at the rumble?

Because Fighting against the Socs is useless

What will the rumble in the outsiders define?

At one point of the book Randy explains how the rumble won't change anything. socs will still be socs and greasers will still be greasers...i

Is it true that Randy does not want to fight in the rumble because he realizes that there is no point in fighting anymore?


Who is Randy form the Outsiders?

Marcia's boyfriend and Bob's best friend. Randy is a handsome Soc who eventually sees the futility of fighting. Along with Cherry, Randy humanizes the Socs by showing that some of them have redeeming qualities. Randy helps Ponyboy realize that Socs are as susceptible to pain as anyone else. Randy tries to make peace with Ponyboy after Ponyboy saves the children from the fire, and he refuses to fight in the Soc-greaser rumble

Why does Randy decide not to fight in the rumble?

randy orton didnt participate in the rumble because he already had another scheduled match that night.

Why didn't randy want to fight in the rumbleThe Outsiders SEHinton US?

He thinks fightings no good and it wouldn't change anything.

What is bobs full name in the outsiders?

Randy, in Chapter 9 - 10 it explains it very well. Randy, in Chapter 9 - 10 it explains it very well.

What are three conflicts in the Outsiders chapter 7?

one is person verses person. that is when ponyboy and randy talk and realize they sort of have something in common