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the Chinese ate bat

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Q: Why did the Chinese trade silk fro horses from Ferghana?
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Why did the Chinese trade silk for for horses from ferghana?

They traded because the horses were heavenly and came from the pastureless wilds.

Why did chineses trade silk for horse from ferghana?

They traded because the horses were heavenly and came from the pastureless wilds.

Where was ferghana located on the silk road?


Who started the silk trade?


What did the Chinese trade?

Silk and other goods.

How did the Ancient Chinese trade items?

the silk road.

What product did the Romans trade for Chinese silk?


What did Europe get in trade on the silk road?

The Europeans wanted to buy the silk, manufactured from the silk worms cocoon's by the Chinese.

What is the silk road and what it promoted?

the silk road is a pathway that the Chinese used to link up with other countries to trade. and it promoted trade

What did the Chinese use the silk road for?

The Silk Road was a trade route from China to the Middle East.

How did Indians profit from the silk roads?

What made the silk road so successful was that it was used a lot for trade and travel. People became wealthy using the silk road. The trade provided highly sought after goods, which commanded high prices. It also benefited people all along its route, for instance supplying the west with silk and the Chinese with horses.

What was the initial key to opening the silk road?

Chinese eagerness for Western horses.