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It is apart of there religion

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Q: Why did the Iroquois have strawberry festivals?
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Who was the clan mother?

The Clan Mother was an elderly woman who was in charge of an Iroquois clan. She was in charge of appointing chiefs and put together all of the festivals. Some festivals were: The Corn-Planting Festival, The Strawberry Festival and The Maple Festival.

Did the Iroquois tribe warship anything or have any religios rituals?

The Iroquois tribes celebrated many festivals throughout the year. At the Maple Festival they collected the sap to make syrup and sugar. The Iroquois asked the spirits to help make seeds grow during the Planting Festival. The Senecas called strawberries the first fruit of the earth and held a Strawberry Festival in the summer. At the Green Corn and Harvest Festivals the Iroquois gathered their crops. The last festival was the New Year's Festival. It was the largest of all and lasted four days. The Iroquois celebrated at their festivals by singing, dancing, praying and playing game, and that is how I sailed around the world on a 5 legged playpus

What are some Iroquois ceremonies?

the festivals they have like new year festival

Did the Iroquois participate in any specific festivals?

they participate in some specific festival

What festivals occur in Florida?

The Florida Strawberry Festival, The Florida State Fair, Chasco Fiesta, and Taste of Pinellas. You can Google there events.

What the Iroquois believed in?

They believed in "The Three Sisters" who represented beans, corn and squash. They believed in myths and legends that told about "The Three Sisters"Festivals and ceremonies were held for the harvesting and ripening of crops. Five festivals were held each year. Each one lasted several days. There was "The Maple Festival", "The Green Corn Festival", "The Strawberry Festival", "The Planting Festival", "The Midwinter Festival"the tooth fairy, santa clause, Easter Bunny, stepping on a crack will break your mommas back....

What did the Iroquois Indians do at ceremonies?

the iriquois people held the strawberry ceromony,midwinter ceromony and the maple sap ceromony.They held them for good hunting,fishing and good harvests.

What myths did the Iroquois have?

Iroquois beliefs included a conception of life as a struggle between the forces of good and evil. The "All-Father," and all embracing deity, had no form and little contact of the humans. Spirits animated all of nature and controlled the changing of the season. Key festivals coincided with the major events of the agricultural calendar.

When does the Indians have there festivals?

Your question needs to be more specific to get any helpful response. Are you asking about the people of the country of India? If so, are you asking about Hindu festivals? Or do you mean Native American "Indians"? If so, again, you would need to be more specific about which nation (tribe) you are interested in, since the different nations - Seneca, Navajo, Hopi, Iroquois, Lakota, etc. - have many different festivals.

Who is the Government of the Iroquois?

The Grand Council of the Iroquois League is the government of the Iroquois

Is Iroquois an adverb?

No, the word Iroquois is not an adverb.The word Iroquois is a noun and an adjective.

What is the strawberry clock?

a strawberry clock is a clock that is in a shape of a strawberry and also smells like a strawberry.