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The Europeans took the Xhosa`s land and cattle

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Q: Why did the Xhosa tribes of South Africa fight the Cape Frontier Wars with the Dutch and British settlers?
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What was the Zulu War?

The Zulu War was between the Zulu tribes and the British troops. The British were trying to overtake the southern part of South Africa and the Zulu's tried to stop it and they succesfully did so. War lasted from 1878 to 1879

What is the history of early South Africa?

To find out about early south Africa you will want to "Google" "Afrikaners". Afrikaners is the name that some early European settlers that were born in South Africa called themselves. Early South Africa were populated by the Koisan, and Bushmen that inhabited mostly the coastal areas of Southern Africa. The early black tribes migrated from West East and Northern Africa towards the south of Africa in search of better grazing for their cattle . It is a fact that the white "afrikaners" preserved many ancient artifacts in museums dating back thousands of year Afrikaners is not the name of the European settlers, but the offspring of these German Settlers, French Hugenots,and British settlers,- and from them stemmed the name Afrikaners. Voortrekkers were Afrikaner white people born in South Africa, who trekked inland to escape the conditions of oppresion by the British Colonial forces at the Cape of Good Hope and her Colonies, which eventually resulted in war between the Afrikaans speaking Voortrekkers, "Boers" (which means "Farmer" in the Afrikaans language) - Afrikaans is in actual fact the Name of the language the Koisan tribes and Boers started speaking to communicate, which originated from the Dutch language, this name of the language only came for recognition in the late fifties and sixties, when Afrikaners fought for its recognition, Afrikaners being some of the white minority in South Africa. Since early years we were all called South Africans - it is only the conservative Afrikaans speaking South Africans that call themselves Afrikaners.

How common is it for people to walk nude in Africa?

It is very common in the Amazon Native Tribes for people to walk nude in Africa. Many of these tribes are located surrounding the Amazon River. They are considered to be the Indigenous People of Africa.

What is dikus tribes?

dikus were the outsiders for the tribes considered the British,zamindars,traders and merchants as dikus.

Which of these cultures was located in East Africa?

There is not enough information to answer this question. There are hundreds of tribes and cultures in Africa (including East Africa).

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Who was in South Africa first?

The native San and Khoi-Khoi tribes before the Bantu-speaking 'Blacks' and Dutch settlers arrived.

Who was the first Europeans to settlers?

The Khoi and other African tribes settled southern Africa more than 12,000 years before European settlers arrived. The Dutch sailors who first landed in present-day South Africa had good relations with the indigenous people

How did the British contribute to Indian attacks of America settlers on the frontier?

They didn't contribute to any attacks by Native Americans. The Indian Wars were in the 1800's a hundred years AFTER the revolution and British control. The invasion of Americans moving west and the Indian Removal Act was the cause of tribes trying to protect their ancestral lands. Events like the Trail of Tears, the mass hanging of Dakota Sioux at Ft. Laramie in 1868, and the removal of tribes to reservations were enough to result in some conflicts.

What tribes live in Africa?

their are a nuber of different tribes in Africa but to find out some then go on Google type in "what tribes live in Africa" and click on the one that says African People and Culture -Tribes.

Why most native Americans sided with the british in the conflict?

Most tribes didn't-some did---the Indians who sided with the British did so in hopes of slowing down the colonials taking their land.If the British maintained control,the continuous pushing of frontier boundries would stop,or at least slow.(so they thought).Some tribes did side with the colonists,aiding in scouting and interpretation.Some tribes helped the French,who, for a while,were on the side of the colonists

What was the Zulu War?

The Zulu War was between the Zulu tribes and the British troops. The British were trying to overtake the southern part of South Africa and the Zulu's tried to stop it and they succesfully did so. War lasted from 1878 to 1879

Who lived in Romania first?

The first settlers were paleolithic tribes.

How did Tecumseh unite the tribes against the settlers?

By building a confederacy

What caused Pontiac's rebellion?

In the 1760's Indian tribes such as the Ottawa,Miami,Huron,Shawnee,and Delaware began to join together against the British.Cheif Pontiac of the Ottawa emerged as the leader of this force.Pontiac followed the teachings of an Indian known as The Delaware Prophet,who called on Indians to drive out the white settlers and give up all European practices.In 1763 Pontiac shared ideas with a gathering of Indians.By attacking British forts on the frontier.

What was Pontiac's Rebellion?

british success in the french and indian war

What historical settlement created the diverse population that settlers encountered in the West?

native American tribes and European settlers

How many tribes are there in Africa and give you the list of all the tribes of Africa?

the tribes in Africa are innumerable. tribes in Africa refer to groups of people who share a language, a culture and in most parts, are settled in the same area. There are as many tribes as there are languages which in Uganda alone would be way more than 20. So are you referring to the tribes themselves or ethnic groups? like Bantu, Nilotes, ...etc.