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So they could travel and fish.

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Q: Why did the hupa tribe make canoes?
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What the hupa tribe used to make canoes?

Dug out logs

How did the tribe hupa travel?

The tribe Hupa traveled by walking and by using canoes.

What did the hupa tribe use for transportation?

propbaly foot or canoes

What did the Hupa tribe make as a craft?

they made canoes and they used shell-like money to buy things.

What transportation did Hupa use?

The Hupa used canoes for transportation.

What is the clothing of the hupa tribe?

The traditional clothing of the Hupa tribe includes buckskin clothing decorated with beads, shells, and feathers. Men often wore breechcloth and moccasins, while women wore skirts and shirts. Special occasions called for more elaborate outfits adorned with ornaments and intricate designs.

what did the hupa tribe trade for?

The Hupa traded acorns and other goods for canoes the Yurok made from red cedar. The region that the Hupa lived in was more plentiful with acorns than the Yuroks territory (Wallace). They also shared their style of housing

What natural resources did the Hupa Indian tribe use?

they dug out canoes. They picked berries and fished fish such as salmon and they used redwood trees

Did hupa tribe have horses?

did the hupa have horses

What are the natural resources the hupa tribe used?

they dug out canoes. They picked berries and fished fish such as salmon and they used redwood trees

How did the Hupa Indian tribe travel?

The Hupa Indian Tribe was not nomadic as other California tribes were. The Hupa lived in redwood homes with small openings so bears could not get in the home.

Did the Hupa live in the desert?

No, the Hupa Indians were not a desert tribe.