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latin americans did not benefit from growing trade because china kept getting more attention so no one wanted latin americans growth

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Their economies remained rooted in agriculture

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Q: Why didn't Latin American nations develop an industrial base during the 19th century?
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Which latin American nations have developed significant industrial sectors during the 20th century?

Their economies remained rooted in agriculture.

How did the Industrial revolution promote 19th century Imperialism?

The Industrial Revolution promoted imperialism because after nations (mainly European nations) acquired advanced technology and military, they all competed for their overseas empires which led to imperialism.

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Until the Industrial Revolution in the 18th Century England was an agricultural country. Later it became one of the most powerful industrial nations. See the link below

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Issues that defined American foreign policy during the early nineteenth century include expansion and growth. Industrial growth was evident in Europe and Japan. Americans thought not acting on foreign policy would lead to second class status in the community of nations and economic stagnation.

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Developing countries are primarily different from industrial nations in that the living standards are not the same

Which century did global divisions begin to emerge on the basis of whether or not nations had more advanced technology?

This would be in the 18th or the 19th century. This is during the Industrial revolution when everyone was trying to have the most stuff.

How did the industrial revolution give an advantage to industrial European nations over non industrial nations?

European nations had well-defined infrastructures.The Industrial Revolution gave an advantage to industrialized nations because they were better able to produce commerce and send it off at an incredible rat. Non-industrialized nations did not have the technology to compete.

When was United Nations Industrial Development Organization created?

United Nations Industrial Development Organization was created in 1966.

What distinct advantage did industrial European nations have over the non industrial nations of Asia and Africa?

A well-defined infrastructure.

What did non-industrial nations of the 19th that industrial nations?

Your question doesn't make any sense. There are obviously words missing.

When did the first nations leave?

If you are referring to the American First Nations, or Indians, they did not "leave" . They were bullied and harassed onto reservations by the US government through out the 19 th century.