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Q: Why didn't kate barlow kiss Stanley great grandfather?
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Why didn't Kate Barlow kiss Stanley's great grandfather?

Kate Barlow didn't kiss Stanley's great grandfather because she had already turned into the notorious outlaw Kissin' Kate Barlow by then, and she was not interested in romantic relationships after her heart was broken by Trout Walker. She was focused on seeking revenge and causing mischief.

In the book Holes How was Stanley's great grandfather lucky?

Stanley's great grandfather was lucky because he survived being robbed by Kissin' Kate Barlow in the Wild West, and was the one who stole her treasure.

Who was the famous robber that Stanley's great-grandfather was robbed by in the book called HOLES?

Kissin' Kate Barlow

What does Stanley realize about Kate Barlow?

He realizes that she lived in Camp Green Lake and she kissed everyone of her victims after she killed them. And that she robbed Stanley's great-great grandfather

In holes the novel briefly explain the curse of the one legged gypsy?

In holes the gypsy puts a curse on stanleys great great grandfather because stanleys great great grandfather didnt carry the gypsy up mountain. so now when ever something goes wrong with Stanley he blames hes great great grandfather.

Flashbacks in Holes?

The flashbacks retell the story of Stanley's great-great-grandfather as well as the history of Camp Green Lake, with Kissin' Kate Barlow and Sam the onion man.

How did Stanley's great grand father make his fortune in holes?

Stanley great great grandfather was the first to make a fortune in the New York Stock Market. Stanley Yelnats then loses all his money to the outlaw known as KissinÕ Kate Barlow when she robbed the stagecoach that Stanley was on which was Camp Green Lake.

Where did Stanley's great-great grandfather come from?

Stanley's no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather was from Latvia.

In the book Holes what do they call Stanley's great-great-grandfather?

he doesn't call his great grandfather anything, but he does call his great GREAT grandfather his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather

In the book Holes what was in the suitcase?

The suitcase that Stanley found had jewels as well as stocks and bonds. The contents are worth about a million dollars. Stanley buys a house for his family and Hector hires a detective to find his mother.

Why is Stanley so intent on reaching big thumb?

Because Stanley catches glimpses of it while he is working in the lake. He remembers that his great great grandfather took refuge there after he was robbed of his fortune by Kissin Kate Barlow around 100 years ago. His great great grandfather survived so when Stanley escapes Camp Green Lake, he relises he and Zero can take refuge there too.