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becaus white people lied to shut black people up!,thats why

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Q: Why didnt African Americans get 40 acers and a mule?
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What did sherman promise?

40 arces and a mule to freeded african americans

Where do mule originated from?

from African horses

What did general Sherman's special field order number 15 toward the end of the civil war?

Apex- It gave 40 acres of land and a mule to freed African Americans

What did general Sherman's special field order number 15 do toward the end of the civil war?

Apex- It gave 40 acres of land and a mule to freed African Americans

What was most important to the social political and economic lives of African Americans after the Civil War?

They no longer were a part of it. They got 40 acres and a mule and stopped working all together.

Toward the end of the civil war what did general sherman special field order number 15 do?

Apex- It gave 40 acres of land and a mule to freed African Americans

What race is Old Het in Mule in the Yard?

African American

What did General Sherman suggest with regard to land for African Americans and what rumor spread as a result?

General Sherman suggested with regard to land for African Americans that the abandoned land in coastal South Carolina can be split into 40-acre parcels and the rumor that spread as a result was that all freedmen would get 40 acres and a mule.

When did forty acres and a mule come along?

"40 acres and a mule", was what the freed slaves believed to be a promise made by the United States government at the end of the Civil War. To many African American's today, it still represents the 'unfinished business" of the Civil War.

What did the native Americans call the transcontinental railroad?

iron horse!! A LALALALALA!!!

What made african americans bow down what was promised to them to become us citizens?

What initially caused African Americans to bow down was a whip in the hands of slave holders and overseers. After slavery was abolished it was repressive laws of a wide variety or sorts and ignorant people who did not see their value (and in some cses did not even see them as people). After slavery they were promised "40 acres and a mule" (enough to feed their families) but few received that. They were promised equal rights but that turned out to be a long road.

How did conditions for southern famers and laborers change from 1865 to 1900?

In the early 1860's poor white people and African Americans would work on plantations for money and because African Americans had no where to really go that they'd be accepted. As the years passed farmers went through sharecropping, where a farmer worked a parcel of land in return for a share of the crop, a cabin, seed tools and a mule, but sharecroppers had no income until harvest time. From there, farmers became an option for low income. -MEGHAN GUMP