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Well, I'm not exactly sure, but I do have another question for you. Why is Groundhog's Day backwards? If Punxy Phil sees his shadow it means that there's gonna be six more weeks of winter. If he doesn't, it means that we're gonna have a nice long spring. You'd think that if he saw his shadow then gonna be sunlight, right? Wrong. The answer? Well it's simple. You see, cold winter air can't carry that much humidity so when spring rolls around there's gonna be rain because all the cold air is going away and humidity is coming back into the air. So when Punxy Phil doesn't see his shadow, you know that Spring is coming to town. Americans really do not rely on a groundhog anymore it is just something that is a tradition. We mostly use radars and such to tell us the seasons not animals

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Q: Why do Americans rely on a groundhog to tell them what season it is?
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Why does a groundhog have to see its shadow?

to tell if its winter or summer

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Is the groundhog on Groundhog Day real?

No ground hogs day is not real because scientist that are called Meteorologist study the weather for a period of time and when they come to the conclusion of whether it is six more weeks of winter or an early spring and then when the mayor picks up the groundhog the meteorologists tell him threw a mini microphone the answer

How do you tell the age of a groundhog?

The size of the groundhogs can help you tell their gender. The bigger one is usually the male while the female one is usually smaller.

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the groundhog looks out his hole , if he sees his shadow there will be six more weeks of winter.

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What does a groundhog look for on groundhog day?

it looks like a furry little has lot of fur around it.ANS2:There is a picture of Punxsutawney Phil (the one without the hat) at the link below. He is one of the more famous groundhogs.

Why is Groundhog Day so important and why can't weather people tell us if it will be spring soon or six more weeks of winter?

because it is just a fun way to tell you that six more weeks of winter