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The earth revolves around the sun but it's tilted. The angle of the tilt doesn't change just the position of the planet. The summer is when that part of the globe is tilted towards the sun. If the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun the southern hemisphere would be tilted away. The part tilted towards the sun gets more sunlight and is warmer. The part tilted away wouldn't get as much light and would be colder.

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12y ago

The seasons are determined by the amount of sunlight received and the angle of the sunlight. During the Northern summer, for example, the Northern hemisphere experiences its longest daytimes because the North Pole is pointed more or less towards the sun. Above the Arctic Circle, the time between sun-rise and sun-set can actually be measured in days rather than hours. At the same time, the South Pole is pointed more or less away from the sun and the Southern Hemisphere experiences its shortest days - and consequently Winter. Below the Antarctic Circle, the sun does not rise at all setting near the beginning of Winter and rising again at the start of Spring. Granted, this oversimplifies a bit - the closer you go to the South Pole, the longer it is between sunset and sunrise, while right at the Antarctic Circle the sun may not rise at all for only about 48 hours. The situation is reversed during the Northern Winter when the North Pole points away from the sun and the South Pole points towards the sun.

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11y ago

Generally, the seasons are caused by the relative amount of the Sun's energy that strikes the Earth. Since the Earth's rotational axis is tilted in relation to the orbital plane around th Sun, at one point in the orbit the Northern Hemisphere points more directly at the Sun than does the Southern Hemiisphere. This results in the Sun's rays striking the Northern Hemisphere more directly and the striking the Southern Hemisphere at more of an angle. When the sunray strikes more directly, there is less atmosphere to go through. When it comes in at an angle, more of the rays are reflected off by glancing the atmosphere and the trays that strike the earth at an angle have to pass through more atmosphere to do it.

When the Sun is on the opposite side of its orbit, then it is the Northern hempsihere that points away fromt he Sun and the Southern hemisphere that gets more direct energy.

Tilt toward = More energy = summer; Tilt away = less energy = winter.

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11y ago

Because our planet is tilted on its axis of rotation, we experience seasons as we orbit the Sun. When the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun it is summer there and the southern hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun, making it winter there. At the other half of the Eatrhs orbit, the southern hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun making it summer there and winter in the northern hemisphere.

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8y ago

The Eastern and Southern hemispheres do not have opposite seasons. The Northern and Southern hemispheres have opposite seasons. That is because the Earth is tilted, so at some times of the year, one of those two hemispheres is nearer to the sun than the other, so it has different weather. Half of the Eastern hemisphere is in the Southern hemisphere, so they would have the same seasons, while the other half would have the same seasons as the Northern hemisphere.

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12y ago

Because of the axial tilt of the earth.

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Q: Why do Eastern and Southern Hemisphere have opposite seasons?
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Are the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere and the southern hemisphere the same?

No, it does not. When it is winter in one hemisphere, it is summer in the other. When it is fall in one, it is spring in the other.Yes, thats why we associate snow with Christmas (except for locations near the equator).

What evidence is there that the seasons do not depend on how far away the earth is from the sun?

The best bit of evidence is that northern and southern hemisphere esperience the opposite seasons. When it is summer in the northern hemisphere, it is winter in the southern hemisphere and vice versa. If the seasons were dependent on Earth's distance from the sun, then the hemispheres would experience the same seasons at the same time.

When it is autum here what season is it in the northern hemisphere?

That depends on where you mean when you say "here". If it is anywhere in the northern hemisphere, then the answer is autumn. If it is somewhere in the southern hemisphere, then the answer is spring.

My brother asked why Australia has winter when we in Canada have summer. How would I explain this to him?

Canada is in the Northern Hemisphere (northern half of the Earth), and Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere (southern). The seasons are opposite in the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere due to the way the Earth is tilted as it orbits around the Sun.

How are seasons in the southern hemisphere related to season in the northern hemisphere?

In the southern hemisphere they are opposite: Mar 21 autumn starts, June 21 winter starts, Sep 22 spring starts, Dec 21 summer starts.

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Are the seasons in the southern hemisphere occur at opposite times of the year from the seasons in the northern hemisphere?


What hemispheres have opposite seasons?

Northern and Southern Hemisphere's have opposite seasons due the earth tilting.

Are the seasons the same in the north hemisphere as the south hemisphere?

Seasons in the northern hemisphere occur at opposite times to those in the southern hemisphere. For example, when it is winter in the southern hemisphere, it is summer in the northern hemisphere.

Do eastern and western hemisphere have different seasons?

-- Eastern and western hemispheres have the same seasons at the same time.-- Northern and southern hemispheres have the same seasons six months apart.

What countries have opposite seasons?

Any country in the southern hemisphere

Will it be winter in the South Pole if its summer here?

The seasons in the Northern Hemisphere are exactly the opposite of the seasons in the Southern Hemisphere.

Are the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere and the southern hemisphere the same?

No, it does not. When it is winter in one hemisphere, it is summer in the other. When it is fall in one, it is spring in the other.Yes, thats why we associate snow with Christmas (except for locations near the equator).

What happens in the Southern Hemisphere when the autumnal equinox occurs in the Northern Hemisphere?

opposite seasons - spring

What happens in the Southern Hemisphere when the autumnal equinox occurred in the northern hemisphere?

opposite seasons - spring

Australia's seasons are the opposite of which hemisphere?

The northern hemisphere. This is due to Earth's tilt and the fact that Australia is in the southern hemisphere.

How do the seasons occur in Minnesota?

Spring the summer then fall then winter for the northern hemisphere and opposite for the southern hemisphere.

What season is it now in Turkey?

Turkey has the same seasons as any other Northern Hemisphere country and the exact opposite seasons of the Southern Hemisphere countries.