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Severely oversimplifying things, ionizing radiation causes damage to cells:

  1. some cells die immediately, enough die the person dies in hours to days
  2. cells die in the digestive system, causing diarrhea and dehydration and the person dies in weeks
  3. mutations transform cells to cancer, tumors grow over years and the person dies many years later
  4. etc.
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8y ago
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14y ago

Because radiation destroys the cells, deforms DNA and causes burns, wich cause death(if a person gets a high radiation dose within a short period)

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11y ago

Because, radiation is a source of blue ray which harms the skin and tissue around the bones and muscles

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Q: Why do people die from radiation?
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Not on the Earth.

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No. Radiation is a physical force.

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When sick people are treated with radiation, that does not make them radioactive. Radiation is dangerous, but radiation patients are not.

How can people slow down Radiation?

radiation can be slowed by the using of salt.take example by people in japan