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They think he is wise and knows all the answers. But he really just felt like running.

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Q: Why do people follow Forrest when he is running across the US in Forrest Gump?
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Who in the new generation is related to John Forrest the explorer?

The people with their surname Forrest are related to John Forrest.

What is the name Forrest short for?

If you're asking about Forrest Gump, then, it's not short for anything. Forrest Gump was named after the first leader of the KKK, Nathan Bedford Forrest. For other people, the name Forrest could possibly be short for Forrester.

What were the names of the people Forrest Gump saved in the war?

Bubba and Lt. Dan were the only soldiers that were identified that Forrest saved.

What do people do in Running of the Bulls?

The Running of the Bulls is a prestigious Spanish event where a small group of Bulls run across the towns streets. People run in front of the bulls for approximately 800m, wihere at least 200 people are injured every year.

In Forrest Gump what kept Forrest awake at night when he visited Washington DC?

Nixon's White House Plumbers kept him awake. Forrest was staying at the Watergate Hotel, because Nixon recommended it to him. He sees people snooping around with flashlights in the room across from him, so he innocently calls the front desk to report what he thinks is a power failure. The implication is that Nixon's Plumbers would not have been caught -- and thus, Nixon would never have resigned the Presidency in disgrace -- if it hadn't been for Forrest.

What is the blog Girl Running about?

The Girl Running blog focuses on a woman who is attempting to get her life back on track by dieting and running marathons. One can follow the posts which can be inspirational at times and definitely helps to keep people motivated.

How many people with the surname Forrest and the first initial A live in?

3 people

How is running good?

running (asuming your talking about on runescape) is good because allot of times you have to move half way across the map so allot of people dont want to take forever

Do people grow from spores?

only in AMERICA Forrest W.

How do you find the Googles on Panfu?

Most people are looking in the friwood forrest.

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awesome people

How did the Romans feel about people who followed religions other than the roman religion?

As the Romans expanded their empire they came across many people who did not follow the same religion as them. They referred to these people as Barbarians and enslaved them.