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Q: Why do sheep jump off cliffs?
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Why does a sheep jump off dangerous cliffs?

To get away from predators.

What are schools like in cayman island?

they jump off cliffs and die

Do apes fly?

No. When they jump off cliffs they aren't actually flying, they are falling.

How do you gain Acrobatic Skill in MCMMO?

To gain Acrobatic Skill in MCMMO, you need to jump off cliffs or buildings. Make a 13 block high tower and jump off this often. Be careful, as you lose health when you gain Acrobatic Skill. Or, just jump off short cliffs more often and jump off the top of your house whenever you need to come down.

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People jump off cliffs because they Know you have saggy boobs

What are some jobs in North America?

You can jump off cliffs and get 10 million dollars, ok HI PPL

Are there cliffs in the Great Basin Desert?

yes, there are a bunch of them, my favorite one to jump off is Great Basin heghts. Thats the name of it.

What are the horns on a Big Horn Sheep for?

They are for mating season when males fight and push each other off cliffs to win the rights to mate with the ewe

What the Name of rodent that jump off cliff?

The rodent that jumps off cliffs is called the Himalayan marmot. They are known to engage in a behavior called "jump-yipping" where they leap off rocks or ledges as a form of play or to signal danger to their fellow marmots.

Can baby sheep jump after birth?

yes all sheep can jump on the spot and anywhere else.

How do lemmings behave when too many are living close together?

all i know is there always stupid and sometimes jump off cliffs for no reason

What kind of an animal lives on a cliff?

Rams, lamas, and sheep live on cliffs.