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Actually, the main reason is dependent upon which hand is your dominant writing hand. For example most right handed people wear their watch(s) on the left wrist. This is more comfortable and less constricting as you write and vice versa for left handed people.

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Q: Why do some right handed people wear their watch on their right hand?
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Why do people wear watch in the right hand?

Because they are right handed - left handed people generally wear their watch on their left wrist

Why boys wearing watch on left hand?

Which ever one they want to. But left handed people usually put it on their right, because it gets in the way when writing. and vice versa with right handed people.

Should a watch go on a right hand?

A watch should go on your right hand if you are left handed, and a watch should go on your left hand if you are right handed.

Is Elijah wood left handed?

He wears a watch on his right hand, which left handed and ambidextrous people do.

What hand should a women where their watch?

If they are left handed they should put their watch on the right hand. If they are right handed they should wear their watch on their ledt hand. (so it doesnt get in the way with their dominant hand)

What hand do right handed people wear a watch?

It does not matter if you are right handed or left handed. Code of conduct says that everyone should wear their watch on their left hand. Reason: when you hold a glass of whine/water, etc you might check your watch and spill your drink all over yourself. :D

Why boy wear his watch on left hand and girl wear her watch on right hand?

it does not matter acctully, most people wear it on the left because they are right handed, some wear it on the right because they re left handed. you can wear it the way you feel comfortable. :)

Why do girls wear wrist watch in rt hand and boys wear wrist watch in left hand?

Everyone that I know that is right handed, wears their watch on the left arm, regardless of their gender. Left handed people often wear their watch on the left arm.

What hand is Zac Efron?

He is right handed. Don't you watch his movies?

Is Logan Henderson left handed?

No he is right handed. When I went to an autograph signing he used his right hand. He also uses the watch in the left arm, if he was left-handed he would use it in the right arm.

What hand do you wear a watch on?

Originally people had to wind their watch each day. Watches were designed so that they could be wound by the watch stem with the right hand. Most people wore their watches on their left wrists to make it easier to wind the watch with their right hand. With improvements in watches such as batteries and self-winding watches, the stem has become a way to set the watch, but is no longer needed for winding the watch each day. It has become more of a personal preference as to which hand to wear the watch on. Right handed people tend to wear their watches on their left wrist to avoid interference with activities such as hand writing, etc., where as left handed people tend to wear their watches on their right wrists, for the same reasons.

What hand is a girl supposed to have a watch on?

If your right handed you wear it on the left, left handed wear it on the right. if you wear it on your dominant hand then it is more likely to get damaged because you do more things with that hand