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Emily doesnt die. She is on if the main characters, she encounters many near-death experiences but she does not die.

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Q: Why does Emily die in Pretty Little Liars?
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No. Hanna, Aria, Spencer and Emily do not die

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No, Spencer from Pretty Little Liars does not die.

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Ezra did not die on Pretty Little Liars.

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No, Kate doesn't die in Pretty Little Liars

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Emily, Hanna, Aria or Spencer don't die, but in the end Jenna does.WHY DOES JENNA DIE?

Did Hanna really die on Pretty Little Liars?

no Alyson was the one that died on pretty little liars

Who killed Emily in Pretty Little Liars?

No one. Emily Doesn't die in pretty little liars. Toby kills himself, because he could never live with what he did to Jenna. Last nights eposoide, Tuesday 13, (July) 2010, shows somone in a black coat changing the population. :D

Does Ali die in Pretty Little Liars?

no she does not

How did David O'Brien die on the Pretty Little Liars set?

David O'Brien of Pretty Little Liars died after acquiring AIDS.David O'Brien of the Pretty Little Liars dies after succumbing to AIDS.

Did Hanna die on Pretty Little Liars?

No.No, Hannah didn't die on Pretty Little Liars