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The author connects the Tucks and Winnie by showing how winnie didn't drink the spring and how she wanted to die like others. The tucks wanted to ldie like everybody else in the world.

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Q: Why does Winnie consider the tucks her friends?
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How Winnie feels about the tucks?

Winnie was a little scared of the tucks because they kidnapped her to tell her the secret about the spring.

In Tuck Everlasting how did Winnie change throughout the story?

Winnie use to hate the fact of living in a life full of rules she use to consider that maybe one day she might even run away then Winnie met the tucks then she learnt to love the tucks more like a family rather than kidnappers this made her see how her old life is the right way of living

What did Winniedo with the rest of her life?

I think winnie will still been friends with the tucks and have fun with them, and still helping others.

How do the tucks show kindness to Winnie?

the tucks make winnie feel better by promising that they will have her home by tommarrow

How did Winnie speak up for the tucks?

She said they are her friends and they didn't kidnapped her. She said she came here because she wanted to to constable.

What does the man in the yellow suit announces to the tucks?

That he knows where Winnie is after she's kidnapped by the Tucks.

What did Winnie sleep on at the Tucks house?

a couch

Why was Winnie not afraid when she was with the Tucks?

Winnie was not afraid when she was with the Tucks because she felt safe and protected by their kind and caring nature. The Tucks showed her warmth and acceptance, creating a strong bond of trust and friendship that made her feel secure in their presence. Winnie also admired the Tucks' courage and wisdom, which helped alleviate any fear she may have had.

Who sees the Tucks kidnap Winnie?

The Tucks kidnapped Winnie Foster because she wanted to drink the water and the Tuck family needed to explain the dangers.

How does Winnie respond when she is eating with the tucks?

Winnie is grateful that she doesn't have to be all proper at the table with the Tucks. She is able to lick syrup off of her fingers, and no one bats an eyelash. The meal was very hearty

Why was Winnie notafraid when when she was with the tucks?

Because she felt safe with them

The author has Winnie disobey her parents by sneaking off to the jail to show that Winnie is?

she is the loyal to the tucks