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I had this happen to me in a grocery store. This stranger was ahead of me with a basket of food and I had only a few items to purchase. I didn't expect this stranger to let me go ahead of him but,he let me with his permission. I thanked him in a normal manner and that was all. I was dressed decently and acted decent.I did not like this stranger and I didn't flirt in any way. Anyways,he moved his shopping basket so I could get by to get to the counter.Just then,he moved and walked right behind me as I moved towards the counter and my back was turned towards him. He placed his hands on both of my shoulders. I felt nervous and self conscious when he did this. I didn't need any assistance walking or with what I was carrying because,these items I had were small and light. I think,he had no right to touch me and I didn't like it! It's improper to touch a person without permission.Men think,they have the right to touch a woman. They do this because,they are attracted to a woman and like the looks of you.But,still it doesn't give them the right to touch a woman even on her shoulders.


"Men think,they have the right to touch a woman. They do this because,they are attracted to a woman and like the looks of you.But,still it doesn't give them the right to touch a woman even on her shoulders."

What a load of sexist garbage. There aren't women who think they have a right to touch men?

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If he wants to - there is no law against it !

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