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Children and adolescents who develop hypothyroidism have the same signs and symptoms as adults. As the Mayo Clinic suggests they may also experience poor growth which results in short stature, delayed development of permanent teeth, delayed puberty, and poor mental development.

Related Article: Thyroid Conditions and Children

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12y ago

im hannah no im srry it doesnt. im 12 and i already went through puberty. and im only 4ft 5in. i hope this helps you out

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14y ago

it depends on your family genes

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Q: Why does height increase during puberty?
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Is any chance to increase height after puberty in the age of 9 and half?

Yes you will get taller during puberty.

Does height increase after puberty?

If you have just begun puberty then you will shoot up as your height mostly increases during puberty. But, If you have finished with or ended puberty then you won't grow a single inch. Sorry about that ! But its not my fault ! :D

What effects height in puberty?

Well it depends on your parents. The child grows to about the same height the parent are. But hight may still increase for 2 years after puberty stops.

Is height been affected if girls reaches puberty?

Girls grow during puberty and increase in height. Lots of changes happen to girls as they grow into an adult.

How much does an arerage 11 year old girl weight through puberty?

There is overall increase in height and weight during puberty. To see if you are growing well, subtract 100 from your height in cm, this should be you weight in kg.

What part of your body growth during puberty?

There is an overall growth of the body .There is growth of facial, underarm and pubic hair. Increase in weight and height.

What does puberty do to males?

During puberty, the testis starts to grow in size. this is due to the hormones which are produced in this period. The height and weight increase. Also hair starts to rrow in the pubic region and on the face and armpits.

How can you increase height during puberty?

eating lots ofprotein and greens lowering on sweets lots of sleep no stress hang up side down.

What changes during puberty age?

There are many physical changes like the increase in height and weight. But more importantly the reproductive system becomes fertile.

Do hormones increase during puberty which can result in an increase of acne?


What is puberty like 4 boys?

In boys, there will be increase in height. Also there will be increase in the testis. They will produce fertile sperm.

What is harm from puberty?

There is no harm done in puberty. The body just changes a lot, like the voice breaks, there is an increase in height and weight.