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Probably due to how they can't really go fast

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Q: Why does many astromech droids get destroyed in star wars?
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Related questions

What are the droids with zappers on star wars called?

They are astromech droids.

How many droids were in star wars?

There are countless droids. Some of the well known droids are battle droids, astromech droids, protocol droids, and medical droids

What are all the of Star Wars droids?

There are countless types of droids. The most famous ones are protocol droids, astromech droids, medical droids, battle droids, probe droids, and assassin droids

How many types of droids are in Star Wars?

thousandsYes There is thousands but the most common are:Battle Droids (The yellow ones that say "Roger Roger")Super Battle Droids (The Big Gray Ones)Astromech Droids (R2-D2)Protocol Droids (C-3PO)

Does r2d2 have a hand?

No. R2-D2 has all different kinds of tools like a saw, a life sign scanner, and rockets. But astromech droids in Star Wars do not have hands.

What is an R2 unit in Star Wars?

An R2 unit is a type of astromech droid. There are many types of astromech variants

What are the names of all the droids in starwars?

There are many droids in Star Wars. Some of the ones not meant for battle are protocal droids (C-3PO), Astromich droids (R2-D2), Gonk droids, ect. Some meant for battle during the clone wars are battle droids, super battle droids, destroyer droids (also calles droidekas), and General Greivous' body guards. General Grievous is not considered a robot, for he was once an alien, until betrayed by Count Dooku. He was in a star cruiser when it exploded. In order to survive, he needed to wear robotic pieces. actually general grevious is a cyborg part human part robot because he got injured :)

Are Star Wars droids real?

No, but many Star Wars droids exhibit characteristics that modern robots and computers do already have.

Are there good war robots in Star Wars?

In star wars robots are "droids" and there are many kinds including soldier ones. This vary from battle droids and super battle droids (robots with guns) to robots who can dismantle enemy ships and jam radio waves. other droids do work such as medical droids, atsromec droids(R2D2) who control small ships and interpertor droids who can memorize thousands of languages.

Did the clones in Star Wars have support droids and if so how many types?

Yes, many different kinds--from R2 units and protocol units to various mechanical and administrative droids as well as reconnaissance and military droids.

Do all the droids in star tours talk?

Not all the droids in Star Wars talk. Some make noises, like R2-D2. Those who can speak are rather limited to protocol droids and others like Trade Federation battle droids; the battle droids have a limited vocabulary even then. Others, like pit droids, make weird noises...

Who starred in Star Wars: The Clone Wars?

The batte droids super battle droids droidikas general grevies fight the clones in Star Wars.