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Q: Why does pony insist johnny is not dead?
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Why wasnt johnny upset about dying in the outsiders?

Pony feels its his fault that Johnny is dead. He keeps telling himself that Johnny is still alive and that he will be home soon.

Why does ponyboy insist that johnny is not dead?

He goes in to a type of shock and is a bit delusional after watching both his close friends die.

What did dally insist ponyboy go right after the rumble?

As soon as it was known that the Greasers had won the rumblr, Dally dragged Pony with him to the hospital, insisting that they had to go see Johnny and tell him that they had won.

Where are Johnny and pony boy when chapter 2 opens?

Pony's getting beat up, & Johnny's hiding.

What do pony and johnny do to diguise themselves?

pony cut off his hair and bleached it while johnny cut his hair

What happened the last time pony boy and Johnny went to church?

The church was on fire and little kids were trapped inside and pony boy and johnny went in to get them then once all of the kids were out johnny threw out pony boy and dally hit pony on the back and he dropped like he was dead and then dally went in to save johnny who got hit in the back with a bunning piece of wood that came down from the church roof and then dally burnet his arm and all three of them went to the hospital and Tim sheperd was in the ambulance with ponyboy.

Who did pony and johnny turn to when johnny killed bob?

They turn to Dally Winston. Because they think that he would no what to do. Also he tells Johnny " Good for you"

Why do you think ponyboy said he had killed bob and that johnny was not dead?

Ponyboy said that Johnny didn't have anything to do with Bob getting killed, because he didn't want Johnny taking the blame. Johnny was already dead, and Ponyboy didn't want him to look like a bad person (because he'd saved Ponyboy's life).

In the outsider what did ponyboy try to convince himself on the way home from the hospital?

Pony tried to convince himself on the way home from the hospital that Johny was not dead and he was alive because he did not want to believe it because that was his best friend.

Is My Little Pony awesome?

That is purely a matter of opinion. Many bronies and pegasisters will insist that it is. Others, however, dislike or hate the My Little Pony.

What chapter johnny and pony hide out?


Where are johnny and pony-boy when the chapter 2 opens?

Pony's getting beat up, & Johnny's hiding.