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If you remember in the second chapter he meet the two girl Socs and was walking them home when a group of Socs, the girls old boyfriends, came in. Two-bit handed Pony the bottle and then he thought of when the one girl he liked, Cherry, said she didn't like fights, at this time girls are taking in the scene and are gasping. Pony drops the bottle then say he will not fight. So that is the main reason he dropped the bottle.

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Q: Why does ponyboy drop the broken bottle in chapter 3?
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What if you get thirsty in the tour de france?

Then you drink. Riders will have a bottle, or maybe even two in bottle holder(s) on the frame. Usually on the down tube. Unless the riding is really intense, it's fairly easy to reach down. grab the bottle and have a sip. When the bottle goes empty, a good rider can request one of the support riders to drop back through the pack to the support car and pick up another bottle for him. Support riders, domestiques, will have to fetch their own.

What statements came as a big surprise to pony boy that made his mouth drop?

"I could fall in love with Dallas Winston," she said. "I hope I never see him again, or I will." She left me standing there with my mouth dropped open, and the blue Mustang vroomed off.

How high is the drop on goliath?

the drop on the goliath is 235 feet

What percentage of teenagers drop out of high school?

The national percentage of high school drop outs is 8.1 percent. Females have a 7 percent drop-out rate and males a 9.1 percent drop-out rate.

What is drop height?

The height from which the manufacturer says you can drop the drive with out making it unusable.

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no matter what , if a drop of blood goes into it you will be shot

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stop, drop, and roll.

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the bottle will move with the water in a circle

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Stand the bottle upside down on its cap, so that the remaining perfume runs down to the opening.

Can you get a raw egg sucked into a bottle?

Yes, place a flame (match, candle, etc) inside the bottle, then quickly place an egg on top. As the air in the bottle burns, the pressure will drop and the egg will be sucked into the bottle.

Things that are less than 10 millimeters?

like a eye drop bottle

When to discard after eye drop bottle is opened?

Generally, 1 month after opening

What is chapter 3 of every drop of blood about?

read it and find out yourself, lazy

Why should you turn the bottle of wine on the last drop?

to collect all the rest of the wine stuck around the inside of the bottle. and cos it looks professional

What is the disadvantage of a glass drinks bottle?

Glass is very fragile and can break in one drop.

What happens when you drop a match in a water bottle then put the top on the water bottle?

If the match is lit and the bottle is empty, the match will burn all the oxygen and then it will go out, since it requires oxygen to keep burning. If the bottle is full, you will have a wet match.