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Rain does occur in deserts but not as frequently as in non-desert areas.

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Q: Why does rainfall not occur in deserts?
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What causes deserts?

Deserts occur when there isn't enough rainfall to sustain a normal amount of plant life.

Where can find desert near the equator?

The area around the equator is tropical in nature with much rainfall, Deserts do not occur there.

Why do deserts occur?

1, very little rain/snow over long periods of time 2, subtropical high pressure 3, the rainshadow effect

What countries on the equator are mostly desert?

There are no countries on the equator that are mostly desert. Because the region of the equator is noted for its heavy rainfall, deserts do not occur there.

When does desert rainfall mostly occur?

Most deserts have a rainy season when they receive the major portion of their annual rainfall. Some have a rainy season in the summer. Some have a rainy season in the summer and a second in the winter.

What deserts do not have rainfall recorded?

Antarctica and the Atacama Desert receive little rainfall.

Does Vermont have deserts?

No. There is way too much rainfall and water in the state for there to be any deserts there.

Which biome has little rainfall and high daytime temperatures?

Deserts get little rainfall and some of them are quite hot - but not all. There are cold deserts also.

What five things do all deserts have?

The only thing all deserts have in common is low rainfall.

Why do deserts have such low productivity?

Deserts have little rainfall. However, if the desert is irrigated, it can be, and is, quite porductive.

Which place on earth gets the least rainfall?

The place on Earth with the least amount of recorded rainfall is the Dry Valley in Antarctica.

Is it true that Antarctica receives less rainfall that the deserts?

The Antarctic is too cold for rainfall even during its summer so any precipitation would be in the form of snow. Therefore it would have no rainfall at all, which is less than most deserts.